Fume Hood
50,000 - 100,000 Per Piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
Fume hood use in laboratory and chemical company
Penetration Testing Equipment
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Penetration resistance testing involves the insertion of a probe into a material with thickness. This can determine the change of state of a material that cures or sets, or the texture of a material (e.g. food, pharmaceutical preparations, or cosmetics) whose firmness is a measure of a quality. Cone probes are used for gels or viscous materials, needle probes for silicone pharmaceutical stoppers, and broader probes for penetrometers as used in cements and concretes.
Best Deals from Plate Load Test Equipment
Soil Testing Kit
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Microprocessor water and soil analysis kit for measurement of pH, conductivity, mv, TDS, Salinity, D.O. & temperature 16X2 Alphanumeric LCD Display, Battery cum mains operated with all accessories fitted in an briefcase. Data storage facility up to 1000 samples and external printer attachment facility available, computer interface through USBRS232.
Softening Point Apparatus
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The sample is cast in shouldered rings and heated at a controlled rate under the weight of a steel ball. The softening point is the temperature at which the bitumen disks soften and sag downward a specified distance.
Shear And Scratch Tester
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Friability apparatus
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Standard Features : Advance Micro controller based with user friendly software in dialog mode. Alpha-Numeric splash proof keyboard allows entries like sample name, sample Number/ ID number for data authentication. Conical shaped low evaporation recovery lids on the tablet dispenser reduces the media loss during long dissolution run. Selectable report printout complies to GLP requirements. Built-in Real Time Clock (RTC) for date, time display & authenticity of printout. Error indication to trace out the problem. Meets specification of USP, BP, EP, IP etc. Offers a count & time mode. Automatic discharge of the sample into individual sample tray after completion of each cycle. 10° tilting of drums as per USP recommendation. Easy front loading system. Supports friability drum & abrasion drum as well. Calculation mode for friability -percentage weight-loss. Balance interface for online sample weight transfer. PC compatibility for data downloading.
Shear Tester
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We are offering shear tester, scratch tester. Precision instrument measures damage to surfaces not classified as ordinary wear. Using interchangeable tools, the taber shear scratch tester is used to measure the susceptibility of material surfaces to scratching, marring, shearing, gouging, scraping, engraving, and other similar physical damage not classified as ordinary wear. Established tester can be used in diverse applications. Useful in quality control as well as materials and product development, the applications are diverse. The shear scratch tester is ideal for evaluating adhesive qualities of surface coatings, detecting the lack of homogeneity in comparative materials, rating similar or competitive materials, or analyzing the effects of age under controlled environmental conditions. Test a wide range of products. Precision, calibrated weights provide a flexible testing range for a variety of products. The shear scratch tester can test rigid organic materials, adhesive coatings, paints, powder coatings, anodized materials, soft metals, synthetics, linoleum, laminates, plastics, glass, plus many others.
bitumen testing equipment
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We are offering best bitumen testing equipment
ablet physical testing Apparatus
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ablet physical testing Apparatus, tablet dissolution apparatus, food
Smoke Density Test Apparatus
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This test method describes the measuring and observing the relative amounts of smoke obscuration produced by the burning or decomposition of plastics. It is intended to be used for measuring the smoke producing characteristics of plastics under controlled conditions of combustion or decomposition. The measurements are made interns of the loss of light transmission through a collected volume of smoke produced under controlled, standardized conditions.
Dissolution Test Apparatus
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Dissolution Test Apparatus, Dissolution Testers, melting range apparatus
Fume Hood
150,000 Per Units
Testing Apparatus
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Testing Apparatus, cathodic disbonding apparatus, lumen test apparatus