Sanitary Centrifugal Pump
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Pumps Manufactured for a wide range of sanitary applications within the food, Dairy, beverage, bio-Pharma and personal care industries. Our Product are developed not only to meet your exacting demands for safety, reliability, efficiency and hygiene, but also to ensure the careful handling of your product.The Valfit Make pump is a highly efficient and economical centrifugal Pump, which meets the requirements of sanitary and gentle Product treatment and chemical resistance.
Centrifugal Sanitary Pump
18,000 Per Piece
Best Deals from Sanitary Pumps
sanitary pump
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Sanitary Pump Applications SAN-NP Series Pumps have various applications as under: Dairy Industry : Pumping milk, cream, butter oil. Beverage industry : Pumping fruit juice, sugar syrup, beer, wine. Pharmaceutical industry : Pumping formulations. Steel industry : Pumping demineralised water for furnace cooling. Chemical industry : Pumping acids, alkalies, cellulose solution, starch solution, yeast, dye. Sanitary Pumps are specially designed for the following applications : Milk evaporator plants working under vacuum. Pumping liquids at high temperature. Construction Flanged TEFC Motor with stainless steel shaft. Specially designed impeller for avoiding churning of the liquid being pumped. Spring loaded mechanical shaft seal. Seals made out of different materials are available to suit individual requirements. Free standing with adjustable ball foot or grouting type. Double mechanical seal arrangement housed in water circulating chamber. Continuously flowing water through this chamber facilitates motor shaft cooling. Special Features High efficiency and hence, low energy consumption. Hygienic/leak proof shaft seal arrangement (Carbon vs SS and Teflon vs SS are available. Material of construction being SS-31 6, the pump can be used for many corrosive products. Compact design provides easy access to all vital parts. Mono block design, hence space requirement is less. Hygienic design and suitable for CIP systems. Pump can be easily dismantled. Low maintenance cost. In addition to the above features, pumps are provided with water circulating shaft seal chamber. Hence, suitable for vacuum and high temperature application.
sanitary pumps
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sanitary pumps, cheese vat, ghee plants, phe pump, Ice Plant Machinery
Sanitary Screw Pump
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Sanitary Screw Pump