termite control service
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Pest Environmental Science is a Mumbai (Maharashtra, India) based company, which is actively engaged in offering top-notch termite control services to the clients. Working for us is a team of adroit termite control experts, who are backed by years of experience of working in this field. These experts make use of liquid termite insecticides (termiticides) for barrier and soil treatment. Many clients in Mumbai have appreciated us on several occasions for rendering such top-class services.
termite pest control service
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Termites and woodborers damage all kind of woodwork, furniture, clothing, rubber, plastic and even the lead coating of objects like underground cables. They are medium sized and have a soft body, social insects living in large colonies. They travel through a network of galleries & avoid light. Termites damage valuable human belongings, like building material , stored grains, transmission poles, trees, paper book, ships etc. The moment of termites has a particular pattern as termites do not reside in the building or wooden structure. They return to their nest in the ground after procuring, the food.the principal of termite control is based therfore placing a chemical barrier between the food and their nest. There are two tasks that need to be performed for termite treatment pre-construction post-construction subterranean termites and wood boreres are the most destructive and a frequently encountered species.they are found throughout india. Although they nest in soil, they can attack structures by building tubes that connecting their nest to wood in structures. Termite food consists of cellulose obtained from wood. pre-construction treatment the first step for pre-construction termite treatment is to treat the slab by treating with a insecticide barrier floor and wall treatment : holes of 12mm diameter, 24-30 inches apart need to be drilled along the inner junction at depth of 12” on the ground and 4” on the upper floors. Insecticide will be injected under pressure to create barrier against termites wooden fixtures treatment : holes of 6mm diameter will be drilled at the base of wooden-fixtures such as window frames and doorframes and termiticide will be injected. This treatment is done on all floors. An oil-based insecticide will be sprayed on all the electrical points infested by the termites post-construction treatment revolutionary anti termite and wood borer treatment with 5 years guarantee sides & bottom surface of the foundation trenches or column pits are treated with chemical emulsion. The plinth area is treated. Small holes are made at regular intervals in walls and are filled with chemical emulsion and closed. The earth around the external perimeter of the building is treated so as to prevent the reinfection of termites from outside termite tubes treatment : visible shelter mud tubes are first sprayed and control the termites external perimeter treatment : trenching or drilling holes of 12mm diameter along the external walls of the building at depth of 1ft. Will be carried out to create a chemical barrier/killing field around the building. All the drilled holes will be sealed. If building is surrounded by garden, the treatment shall be carried out in the soil.
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