centrifugal polishing machine
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Disc Finishers have a high speed rotating disc mechanism, offering high energy action. This provide performance levels upto 10 to 30 times higher than conventional vibratory machines. Gala offers standard as well as completely automated & integrated solutions for disc finishing. This system includes auto component weighing, loading , unloading & on line washing & drying.
centrifugal polishing machine
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In this SUPER FIN barrel content (parts, media, water & finishing compound) is unloaded on a vibratory sorting table placed below. The motorized inching for turret & barrel is provided. With this provision individual barrel can be positioned over sorting table & then barrel can be rotated slowly to unload the content inside on the vibratory sorting table. Through sorting table water is removed to drain, part & media separated by size separation using suitable perforated screen.
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Wire Polishing Machine
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