Trichoderma Organic Plant Protector
100 Per Kilogram
100 Kg (MOQ)
Crops : Applicable to all vegetables, fruits, ornamental and plantation crops Application : soil application- dilute 5m1/litter of water & drench near root zone. Repeat application everylOdays interval and frequently if required Or Mix 1kg per 100 kg organic mannure and apply as basal dose. Benefits : An effective fungal control agent Improves Plant growth. Builds up plant resistance to drought, pest attack & diseases. Compatibility Features : Use complete content of the bottle if opened. Store at room temperature not exceeding 45°C
Country of Origin : India
Type : Agri Products
Shelf Life : 1year
Color : Green
State : Powder,liquid
Brand Name : Trichoderma
Type : Organic Anti Fungal
Application : Plant Protection
Shelf Life : 1 Year
Purity : 100%
...morePseudomonas Organic Fungicide
108 Per Kilogram
100 Kilograms (MOQ)
Crops : Applicable to all vegetables ,fruits, ornamen and plantation crops. Application: Foliar Spray - Dilute 5m1 /litre of water & spray on sides of leaves. Repeat application every 10 days frequently if required. or 500m1/acre of land Benefits : An Effective fungal control agent. Improves Plant Growth. Builds up plant resistance to drought, pest attack & diseases. tal both interval and Compatibility Features : Shake well every time before mixing with water. use complete content of the bottle if opened. Store at room temperature not exceeding 45°C.
Type : Organic
Brand Name : Pseudomonas
Application : Agriculture
Purity : 100%
...moreOxuron Organic Plant Protector
150 Per Bottle
100 Bottle (MOQ)
Organic Plant Protector With Growth PromotersContents : Neem Oil : 30% Karanja Oil : 50% Herbal Extracts :10% Target Pests. Aphids, Thrips, Mealy bugs, Whiteflies, Scale insects, Root and Stem Borers. Benefits: An Effective Insect Repellent. Controls wide varieties of fungus Improves Plant Growth. Builds up plant resistance to drought, pest attack & diseases. Accelerates growth hormone secretion. Increases overall crop yield and quality. Applicable Crops: Fruit Crops : Banana, Citrus, Grapes, Guava , Mango, Pomegranate, Papaya, Sapota. Field Crops : Paddy ,Cotton, Sunflower, Sorghum, Groundnut, Potato, Mustard. Vegetable Crops : Tomato , Chilly , Brinjal , Onion, Lady’s finger, Cauli flower, Beans etc. Plantation Crops : Cardamom , Tea, Coffee, Home gardening, Medicinal plants, Ornamental plants etc. Application: Foliar Spray : Dilute 3-5 ml per litre of water and apply foliar on both sides of the leaves. NB: Application on early stages of infection will give excellent result. Repeat application if required. Apply at every 15 days interval as preventive measure.
Form : Liquid
Packaging Size : 100ml, 500ml,1 Litre, 50 Litres
Brand Name : Oxuron
...moreNutrich-Z Plant Growth Stimulants
110 Per Bottle
100 Pack (MOQ)
Foliar Spray : Dissolve 5ml/L of water. Apply 4 to 5 times at an interval of 20 - 25 days for all crops. Seed treatment/Root dip –Dissolve 10ml per Litre of water . Benefits: Enhance Photosynthesis and other metabolic activities. Accelerate Growth hormone secretion Increases overall crop yield and Quality. Reduces Rate of Leaf, F lower and Bud shedding. Builds up plant resistance to drought, pest attack & diseases. Aids in Generating Enzymes. Helps in Protein synthesis Stimulates Root growth. An ideal and complete Nutrient supplement for plants. Compatibility Features: Shake well every time before mixing with water. Nutrich is compatible with all commonly used Fungicides and pesticides. Do not use with Herbicides. An Eco friendly product Applicable Crops: Fruit Crops : Banana, Citrus, Grapes, Guava , Mango, Pomegranate, Papaya, Sapota. Field Crops : Paddy ,Cotton, Sunflower, Sorghum, Groundnut, Potato, Mustard. Vegetable Crops : Tomato , Chilly , Brinjal , Onion, Lady’s finger, Cauli flower, Beans etc. Plantation Crops : Cardamom , Tea, Coffee, Home gardening, Medicinal plants, Ornamental plants etc.
Country of Origin : India
Type : Organic
Brand Name : Nutrich-Z
Classification : Plant Growth Stimulent
State : Liquid
Purity : 100%
...moreNeumin Plus Plant Protector
80 Per Bottle
100 Bottle (MOQ)
Crops : Applicable to all vegetables, fruits, ormanmentals and plantation crops.Foliar Spray - Dilute 5-10 ml / liter of water & spray on both sides of leaves. Repeat application every 10days Benefits : An Effective Insect Repplent. Effective against Aphids White Flies, Borers all vegetables,fruits, crops.
Country of Origin : India
Brand Name : Neumin Plus
Application : Agriculture
Purity : 100%
...moreBioamin Natural Flower Booster
80 Per Bottle
100 Piece (MOQ)
Crops : Applicable to all vegetable, fruits, ornamental and plantation crops. Foliar Spray : Dilute 3-5 ml per litre of water for lobar spray OR 1000 ml per Acre of land. Spraying on the bunches in the early stages will give optimal result. Composition : Amino Acid : 5% Fulvic Acid : 15% Benefits : Induces Flowering and fruit set related hormones. An effective Bio Stimulant. Increases overall crop yield and quality. Improved fruit size, quality and colour. Improves keeping the quality. Stimulates protein synthesis.
Country of Origin : India
Cultivation Type : Organic
Shelf Life : 1year
Color : Green
Feature : Long Shelf Life,Non Harmful
Form : liquid
Packaging Type : bottles
Packaging Size : 100ml
Form : Liquid
Shelf Life : 1 Year
...moreBio Strom Plus Organic Insect Repellent
150 Per Bottle
100 Bottle (MOQ)
Crops: Applicable to all vegetables Jruits, ornamental and plantation crops. Application: Foliar Spray - Dilute 3-5m1 /litre of water & spray on both sides of leaves. Repeat application every 10 days interval and frequently if required. or 500mliecre of land.Composition : Unique Blend of Horti Cultural oils : 90% Emulsifier : 10% Benefits : An Effective Insect Repellent. Effective against Aphids. Thrips, Mealy Bugs. scale Insects, White Files, Borers and Sucking Pests. Improves Plant Growth. Builds up plant resistance to drought, pest attack & diseases. Accelerates growth hormone secretion. Increases overall cro field and qualit y
Country of Origin : India
Type : Organic
Brand Name : Bio Strom Plus
Form : Liquid
Packaging Type : Plastic Bottle
...moreBio Strom Organic Insect Repellent
120 Per Bottle
100 Bottle (MOQ)
Crops : Applicable to all vegetables, fruits, ornamental and plantation crops. Application : Foliar Spruy-Dilute 3-5m1/litre of water&spray on both sides of leaves.Rcpcat applicationevery 1 O days intervel and frequently if required. Composition : Ntiinii Oil : 40% Karanja Oil : 50% Herbal Extract : 10% Benifits : An Effective Insect Repellent. Effective aganist Aphids, Thrips, Mealy Bugs. Scale insects, White Flies. Borers and Sucking Pests. Improves Plant Growth. Builds up plant resistance to drought, pest attack & diseases.
Type : Organic
Brand Name : Bio Strom
Form : Liquid
Packaging Type : Plastic Bottle
...moreBevar Bio Control Agents
125 Per Kilogram
100 Pack (MOQ)
Crops : Applicable to all vegetables ,fruits, ornamental and plantation crops. Application: Foliar Spray - Dilute 5m1 /litre of water & spray on both sides of leaves. Repeat application every 10 days interval and frequently if required.Benefits : 500m1/acre of land An Effective Bio Pesticide Improves Plant Growth. Builds up plant resistance to drought, pest attack & diseases. Compatibility Features : Shake well every time before mixing with water Use complete content of the bottle if opened. Store at room temperature not exceeding 45°C.
Type : Pure
Form : Liquid and Powder
Application : Agriculture
Shelf Life : 1 Year
Packaging Size : 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 litre , 5 liters
Purity : 100%
Brand Name : Bevar
...moreOpening Hours