KMPS Exports Thiruvarur, Tamil Nadu

  • Virgin Coconut Oil

    Virgin Coconut Oil

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    Virgin coconut oil consists mainly of medium chain fatty acids. The most important medium chain fatty acid found in VCO is lauric acid. It constitutes 48 % of VCO. Lauric acid possess powerful anti microbial properties capable of destroying disease causing bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites. Researches show that the presence of medium chain fatty acids in mother’s milk is the primary ingredient that protects new born infants from infections for the first few months of their life, while their immune system is still developing. Dr.Jon J Kabara, Ph.D of Michigan State University and Consultant, USA has done pioneered studies on the antimicrobial properties of fatty acids in the 1980s. Two of his most important conclusions are that lauric acid is the most active antimicrobial fatty acid and that monolaurin is the most effective antimicrobial compound that can be derived from coco chemicals. According to him, medium chain fats in coconut oil are similar to fats in mother’s milk and have similar nutriceutical benefits. VCO has considerable potential for therapeutic uses such as antimicrobial, anti-HIV/AIDS drug, for anti-cancer therapy and for the treatment of Alzhiemer’s disease. VCO is the best possible remedy to various skin ailments. Ms. Vermen M Verallo Rowell, Founder and program Director of VMV Skin Research Center + Clinic (VSRC), Philippine has told that since year 2000, VCO was used at VSRC for patients with dry and often microbially colonized psoriasis, acne, atopic, contact dermatitis and rosacea lesion.VCO is the best skin care solution for babies. Free from all chemical formulations and assures good protection to the baby skin. Study by Department of Nutrition, University of Indonesia reveals that VCO also helps to improve blood glucose and lipid profile of type 2 diabetics, due to its readiness to provide energy to body cells.

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  • Edible Salt

    Edible Salt

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    27 Metric Ton (MOQ)

    Salt is essential for our good health and is also needed for various industrial applications. Understanding this core importance of salt in our day to day life, we at KMPS Exports Manufacture and Supply a unique range of Salts. We are known for offering Edible Salt and Industrial Salt that are highly appreciated for their variety and quality in the market. KMPS Exports is a prestigious Free Flow Iodized Salt Manufacturer, Exporter and Supplier in Tamil Nadu, India.

    Brand Name : KMPS

    Color : White

    Classification : Cooking Salt Or Edible Salt, Industrial Salt, Iodized Salt

    Packaging Type : 1Kg And Bulk Packing Of 15/20/25/35/50 Kg

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  • Raw Honey

    Raw Honey

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    Most processed honey today has been heated and filtered, robbing it of its nutritional value and resulting in a product no more valuable than a simple sweetener. Honey is an instant energy-building food containing all the essential minerals necessary for life, all of the B complex group, amino acids, enzymes, and other vital factors. Honey is virtually free of bacteria and rarely spoils. Raw honey contains up to 80 different substances important to human nutrition. Besides glucose and fructose, honey contains: All of the B-complex, A, C, D, E, and K, minerals and trace elements: magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron, calcium, chlorine, potassium, iodine, sodium, copper, and manganese. The live enzyme content of honey is one of the highest of all foods. Honey also contains hormones, and antimicrobial and antibacterial factors. Much of raw, unfiltered honey's effectiveness and health benefits may be due to the presence of Bee Pollen and Propolis, but there are substances in honey as yet unidentified, that may be responsible for its positive effects. Uses Of Honey  Honey contains antioxidants, a wide array of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Heals wounds, burns, cataracts, skin ulcers, sores and scrapes. Provides a protective barrier for wounds. Kills bacteria and germs. Reduces inflammation. Its amino acids and vitamin C speed the growth of healthy tissue. It's a natural source of energy. It enlivens the body, makes muscles stronger, refreshes nerves, cheers up, sharpens the mind, and gives sound sleep. Soothes sore throats. Skin and Rashes The Ultimate Moisturizer Colds and Coughs

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  • Black Pepper

    Black Pepper

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    Black Pepper is the dried mature berry of Piper nigrum, a climbing, perennial shrub mostly found in hot, moist region of Southern India. Under cultivation pepper vines are trailed over support as columns, 5-6 mtr tall, 1-2 meter diameter. The climbing woody stems have swollen nods with clinging roots at each node, which helps in anchoring the vine to the support trees (standards). It has straight upward growing main stem and have lateral shoots from the axils of the leaves having shorter inter nodes without adventitious roots. In such branches the terminal buds get modified into an inflorescence (spike) and the auxiliary buds continue further growth. The root system confined to 75-100 cm radius and depth. The inflorescence is a pendent spike, 3-15 cm long with 50-150 flowers. Flowers are minute, white pale yellow, arranged spirally on fleshy pedantries. The specie is naturally self-pollinated and pollen dispersal is aided by the presence of water droplets. Fruit is a single seeded drupe often called berry. It is spherical in shape, green in colour, changing to red on ripping. USES:Pepper is largely used by meat packers and in canning, pickling, baking, considering for its preservative value. It has the ability to correct the seasoning of dishes, therefore used as a final dash at the end of cooking to effectively adjust the flavour. It is an important component of culinary seasoning of universal use and is an essential ingredient of numerous commercial foodstuffs. It is also used as an ingredient in spice mixes. White pepper is used in products like mayonnaise where, black specks of black pepper is not liked. Other products in use are pepper oil, oleoresin, micro encapsulated pepper, green pepper in brine, dehydrated green pepper, frozen pepper etc. Black pepper is an essential ingredient in Indian system of medicine. Piperine, the pungent principle in pepper oleoresin helps to enhance bio-availability and therefore used in pharmaceuticals. The major functional properties of pepper are analgesic, anti-pyretic, anti-oxidant and anti-microbial.

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  • Natural Leaf Plates

    Natural Leaf Plates

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    NATURAL LEAF PLATES The use and throw Palm Leaf Plates Natural Leaf Plates Areca Leaf Plates and Cups made out of Areca Leaf are 100% biodegradable and compostable. These hygienic, non-odorous, non-toxic, light weight plates and cups made out of Areca leaf are environment friendly. An economical disposable alternative for all catering occasions. These areca leaf plates and areca leaf cups need no wash.

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  • Mushroom


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    A mushroom is described as the “fruiting body of a fungus plant that typically appears above the ground and contains spores”. It is this fleshy bracket (fruiting body) that is commonly eaten and which reproduces by dispersing spores in the same way that other plants disperse seeds. Instead of drawing nutrients through the roots, fungi are sustained by a network of fine, microscopic threads known collectively as the “mycelium”. This network can extend over vast distances, implanting into rotting wood, soil, or other preferred medium. Fungi are more akin to molds and yeasts than to vegetable plants. Although mushrooms are technically part of the plant kingdom, they are very different organisms since they do not contain chlorophyll or have a root system. Health benefits the health benefits of mushrooms include relief from high cholesterol levels, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and diabetes. It also helps in weight loss, and increases the strength of your immune system. You have probably seen mushrooms making someone bigger or acting as a shield against some dangerous monster. These aren’t just popular culture references, they are actually symbolic representations of the actual health benefits of mushrooms. They truly can make you bigger and protect you against diseases and infections, as they are full of proteins, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antibiotics and antioxidants.

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  • Indian Spices

    Indian Spices

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    Coriander coriander is an important spice crop having a prime position in flavouring food. The plant is a thin stemmed, small, bushy herb, 25 to 50 cm in height with many branches and umbels. Leaves are alternate, compound. The whole plant has a pleasant aroma. Inflorescence is a compound umbel comprises 5 smaller umbels. Fruit is globular, 3 to 4 mm diameter, when pressed break into two locules each having one seed. Fruit has delicate fragrance; seeds are pale white to light brown in colour. There are two distinct morphological types, one erect and tall with a comparatively stronger main shoot and the other bushy with a relatively weaker main shoot and longer spreading branches. Uses: the young plant is used for flavouring and garnishing curries and soups. The fruits (seeds) are widely used as condiments with or without roasting in the preparation of curry powders, sausages and seasonings. It is an important ingredient in the manufacture of food flavourings, in bakery products, meat products, soda & syrups, puddings, candy preserves and liquors. In medicines it is used as a carminative, refrigerant, diuretic, and aphrodisiac. In household medicines, it is used against seasonal fever, stomach disorders, and nausea. Coriander oil and oleoresins are primarily used in seasonings for sausages and other meat products. Pepper black pepper is the dried mature berry of piper nigrum, a climbing, perennial shrub mostly found in hot, moist region of southern india. Under cultivation pepper vines are trailed over support as columns, 5-6 mtr tall, 1-2 meter diameter. The climbing woody stems have swollen nods with clinging roots at each node, which helps in anchoring the vine to the support trees (standards). It has straight upward growing main stem and have lateral shoots from the axils of the leaves having shorter inter nodes without adventitious roots.

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  • Coriander


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    Coriander is an important spice crop having a prime position in flavouring food. The plant is a thin stemmed, small, bushy herb, 25 to 50 cm in height with many branches and umbels. Leaves are alternate, compound. The whole plant has a pleasant aroma. Inflorescence is a compound umbel comprises 5 smaller umbels. Fruit is globular, 3 to 4 mm diameter, when pressed break into two locules each having one seed. Fruit has delicate fragrance; seeds are pale white to light brown in colour. There are two distinct morphological types, one erect and tall with a comparatively stronger main shoot and the other bushy with a relatively weaker main shoot and longer spreading branches. USES:The young plant is used for flavouring and garnishing curries and soups. The fruits (seeds) are widely used as condiments with or without roasting in the preparation of curry powders, sausages and seasonings. It is an important ingredient in the manufacture of food flavourings, in bakery products, meat products, soda & syrups, puddings, candy preserves and liquors. In medicines it is used as a carminative, refrigerant, diuretic, and aphrodisiac. In household medicines, it is used against seasonal fever, stomach disorders, and nausea. Coriander oil and oleoresins are primarily used in seasonings for sausages and other meat products.

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  • Areca Leaf Plates

    Areca Leaf Plates

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    These Areca Leaf Products are various products manufactured out of Areca Leaves. Few available products are Areca Leaf round plate in sizes of 6", 8", 10", 12" with different rib sizes, Areca leaf Hexagon plates in sizes of 6", 8", 10", 12", Areca Leaf rectangle plates in sizes 6.5"X4.5", 8"X5", Areca Leaf Round Bowl of 4", 5", Areca Leaf partition plates, Innovative Areca leaf Lunch box, etc. The Facts about Areca Leaf products are interesting and must to know. Our exclusive Areca Leaf Dinnerware line is great for entertaining. These elegant, disposable party plates made from Areca leaf are eco-friendly alternative to conventional disposable plates. These biodegradable areca leaf plates are a natural and renewable resource. Areca Leaf that is naturally discarded from the areca tree is collected from the forest floor and no trees are cut.  

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About the Company

  • Primary Business Retailer
  • Secondary Business Type Manufacturer / Exporters / Wholesale Suppliers
  • Year of Establishment 2016
  • No. of Employees Below 20
  • Ownership Type Individual (Sole proprietorship)

Opening Hours

  • SUN : Closed
  • MON : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • TUE : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
KMPS Exports is a well-established firm located in Thiruvarur, Tamil Nadu (India). The company is receiving huge deal of clientele in a very short span, which shows our credibility. Our major markets focuses are Singapore, Malaysia, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE, USA, UK, Russia, Maldives and Srilanka.
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Contact Information

KMPS Exports

  • Kirubhakaran K
  • 3/288c, EB Nagar, vilamal, Thiruvarur, Tamil Nadu