Herbal medicated oils
Ingredients Indigofera tinctoria Eclipta alba Cardiospermum halicacabum Emblica officianlis Glycyrrhiza glabra Abrus precatorious Galena Coconut oil Cow milk Buffalo milk Goat milk Coconut milk. Indication Promotes growth of hair by strengthening the hair roots. Prevents premature greying and Alopacia. Recommended in headache. Dosage Massage over the scalp.
...moreAyurveda medicated oils
Ingredients Pungama Glabera Muiga Oliefera Spermicose hispida Aloevarbednsis Erythring Indica Piper betle Cocount Oil Kadi Asperagus racemosous Indication Heals wounds,Cuts,Fractures,Sprains and Swelling, abscesses due to impure blood etc. Dosage For external application only.
...moreasthma ayurvedic medicine
Ingredients Adalodakam Kandakari Venvazhuhana Thulasi Dasamoolam Maramanjal Iratti madhuram Nellikka Kolarakku Pipalli Chukku Kurumulaku Grambu Kacholam Vayambu, Jathikka Kothambalari Neela ummam Elakkay Jeerakam Karpooram Kalkandam Then. Indication An ideal herbal medicine for asthma,Cures cough, bronchial complaints,& difficulty in breathing. Dosage Two tea spoon for adults thrice daily & half tea spoon for children thrice daily or as suggested by physician.
...moreMedicated Oils
asthma herbal medicine
natural herbal medicine
ayurveda medicines
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