Energy Capsule Dealers in Thrissur

(1 products available)
  • Energy Forte Capsule

    Energy Forte Capsule

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    • KALAN: neelibhringadi
    • kps: sex
    • sexual weakness: for erection
    • sexual mood: night bed

    We are offering energy forte capsule. When use regularly for men & women make healthy power play. An ideal medicine to fuctional impotence and sexual neurosis and can be used as a good rejuvinative. Energy forte is acting on the higher centres of emotions in the brain and locally on the sex organs, directly or indirectly. Energy forte reduced anxiety and calms the individual. By acting through the neuro endocrine path way, energy forte regulates the process of ejaculation. Energy forte promotes spermatogenesis by improving the testicular seminal vesicles and epididymal functions. Energy forte improves the sperm count and the quality of semen by increasing the l.h, f.s.h produccing leasophil cells in the pituitary. Energy forte is a safe sexual stimulant. It acts on both the upper and lover sex centres. Energy forte also acts on the higher centres ie; the hypothalamus and limbic system to improve libids. Energy forte helps and maintain erection. The antistress and adaptogenic actions of energy forte help alleviate anxiety associated with sexual desire. It corrects erectile disfunctions and cures spermatorrhoea and premature ejaculation.

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