red sandal powder
40 Per Piece
Color : Red
Form : Powder
Neelibhringadi Hair Oil
Kdr mark neelibhringadi hair oil stimulates lush growth of strong and thick hair. This herbal extract reuvenates,strengthens and protects hair from itching and flaking. It prevents dandruff, splits, scalp infections and premature grey. It controls hair falls and gives cooleness to head and eyes. It promotes for a long, soft and shiny hair. It also includes sound sleep.
Ingredients : Specified
Color : Maintain natural
...moreHepatosin Medicine
We are offering hepatosin medicine. The best remedy for jaundice, eliminate the root causes for jaundice and restore health quickly. Hepatosin powder is a single dose with one day's food restrictions. jaundice is a fatal disease that spreads widely not only in india, but all over the world. It is affected to all individuals irrespective of age, sex and season. The facts is that this disease is not curable by allopathic medicine. In kalan drugs & remedies the reputed firm organised by the famous traditional kalan vaidya family, found out a specific medicine - hepatosin for the complete cure of jaundice from the old ayurvedic classics. The effect of this ayurvedic powder to sort out the jaundice is proved by using chronic is also a preventive medicine to guard against an attack of jaundice, liver disorders and anemia. Jaundice is widely spread especially in our country among the people as an epidemic disease. Usage of hepatosin powder is a single dose with one day's food restrictions, will defenitely root out this disease without recurence.
...moreEnergy Forte Capsule
We are offering energy forte capsule. When use regularly for men & women make healthy power play. An ideal medicine to fuctional impotence and sexual neurosis and can be used as a good rejuvinative. Energy forte is acting on the higher centres of emotions in the brain and locally on the sex organs, directly or indirectly. Energy forte reduced anxiety and calms the individual. By acting through the neuro endocrine path way, energy forte regulates the process of ejaculation. Energy forte promotes spermatogenesis by improving the testicular seminal vesicles and epididymal functions. Energy forte improves the sperm count and the quality of semen by increasing the l.h, f.s.h produccing leasophil cells in the pituitary. Energy forte is a safe sexual stimulant. It acts on both the upper and lover sex centres. Energy forte also acts on the higher centres ie; the hypothalamus and limbic system to improve libids. Energy forte helps and maintain erection. The antistress and adaptogenic actions of energy forte help alleviate anxiety associated with sexual desire. It corrects erectile disfunctions and cures spermatorrhoea and premature ejaculation.
...moreEladi Cough Syrup
We are offering eladi cough syrup. For the quick remedy of allergic cough commmon cold, smoker's cough spasmotic cough ,seasonal cough & whooping cough in early stages.
...moreEladi 4 Candy
We are offering eladi 4 candy. Used for cough and cold
Shelf Life : 1 Year 2 Yrs
Feature : Good For Health, No Side Effect ,Pure, Good Quality
Packaging Type : Bottle Jar Plastic Bottle
...moreAyurvedic Tooth Powder
ayurvedic syrups
Ayurvedic Massage Oil
ayurvedic face packs
Ayurvedic Eye Drops
ayurvedic cosmetics
ayurvedic candies
ayurvedic body oil
Arsoban Medicine
We are offering arsoban medicine. Removes constipation and gives full and fast relief to piles. The best remedy for stomach pain, flatulence, back ache, anaemia, sleeplessness. Gas trouble and all other diseases due to constipation and piles. This disease is commonly seen in human beigns especially beyond the age of fourty. The three doshas ie, vata, pitta and kapha get vitiated and affect the guda valies and the arshas is originated. Expert treatment is highly essential for the cure of this disease. almost all the people think that constipation is not a disease. This is not correct. The constipation must be treated by the proper medication. Otherwise the life will become far as the arshas patient is concerned, constipation increases the intensity of the disease.the patient will never feel satisfaction in defecation, abdominal upset, frequent belching, bad breath, itching all over the body, oedema in joints, dry cough, tastlessness loss of memory are the other symptoms seen in arsas,thpse who are victims of this illness should treat with time tested scientifically prepared valuable ayurvedic medicine arsoban.
...moreAyurvedic Hair Oil
Ayurvedic Herbal Hair Oil
Allernil Ayurvedic Medicines
Ayurvedic Products
hair care oils
Hair Care Products
Hair Oil
neelibhringadi oil
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