Market Research Services in Melachinthamani, Tiruchirappalli

(2 service providers available)
  • Market Research Services

    Market Research Services

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    Every marketing initiative begins with a thorough market research process that enables to understand everything we can know about your company's mission, products, services, target market, competitors, short-term marketing goals and long term plan for growth. Two types of market research that branding and research conduct for our clients to discover what customers want, need or believe. Primary market research primary market research involves our research consultants engaging in direct testing with focus groups, conducting surveys, scheduling interviews, doing field testing and recording observations and any other interactive actions that we conduct is specifically tailored to the product or service. Secondary market research secondary research uses information previously complied from third party sources that appear relevant to the client's product or service. Secondary research is relatively inexpensive and easily accessible. However it is generally not as specific or focused as primary research and the data used can be biased and or difficult to validate.

  • Market Research Services

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    Market research is the process of collecting valuable information to help you find out if there is a market for your proposed product or service.

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