tamarind seed oil
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Tamarind is a multipurpose tree species widely distributed and extensively planted in India. Every part of this tree is useful in one way or the other, however the most useful is the fruit, very widely used in several culinary preparations. The fruits and the leaves also have medicinal properties. This brochure is intended to provide in a simple language, information on morphology, phenology, seed characteristics, nursery techniques, propagation, cultural practices, pests and diseases etc., pertaining to species as useful for the cultivation of the species. Tamarind (Tamarindus Indica) is one of the most extensively planted and highly valued tree in India and it is intimately associated with the common man. It is indigenous to tropical Africa and probably to south India. It is cultivated throughout tropics and sub-tropics and has become naturalized in many places. In India, Tamarind is being cultivated almost throughout the country except in the Himalayan and Western Dry Regions. It is the commonest tree planted along the roadsides. Financial assistance from the Ford Foundation for printing this brochure is gratefully acknowledged.
Tangerine Oil
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