Pongamia Seeds Dealers in Tirunelveli

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  • Pongamia Seeds

    Pongamia Seeds

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    Pongamia pinnata locally known as Karanja is a medium sized evergreen tree planted for shade and as ornamental tree in the greater part of the country. It is a drought resistant salt tolerant, nitrogen fixing leguminous tree and to some extent tolerant to slight frost. The seeds are largely exploited for extraction of a non-edible oil, commercially known as “Karanja Oil” well recognized for its medicinal properties and also used in the manufacture of soap. Leaves are used as fodder and green manure. The wood of this tree is used as fuel throughout the country and also used for construction, tool handles and agricultural implements. This brochure is a part of the extension series being brought out by the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education for the use by farmers, foresters and the common man

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