Bittu Vaishnav Udaipur, Rajasthan

  • Stella Artois Bottles 12 x 330ml

    Stella Artois Bottles 12 x 330ml

    763 Per

    Stella artois is one of the world’s best-selling beers and is enjoyed in more than 80 countries. Its full, characteristic flavour and high quality is assured through a superior brewing process and by using the finest ingredients available.

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  • Heineken Bottles 24 x 330ml

    Heineken Bottles 24 x 330ml

    754 Per

    Heineken was created by a group of dedicated people pursuing the highest quality and craftsmanship in brewing. The heineken the world drinks today is still brewed using the original, unrivalled recipe invented three generations ago by the heineken family.

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  • Asahi Super Dry 12 x 330ml bottles

    Asahi Super Dry 12 x 330ml bottles

    743 Per

    With a great flavour and feel, Asahi beer has proven popular for years and is sure to go down well at your next get together. Tasting notes: It is a lager-style beer, with a bright gold colour and white head. The nose is malty and does have a distinctive note from the rice, and the palate is clean and crisp, with lemony fruit, a touch of oatmeally richness and a good level of herbal, hoppy bite. A very nicely made, crisp and refreshing beer

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Bittu Vaishnav

  • Bittu Vaishnav
  • Village mahuda dist udaipur state rajasthan india