Triphala Juice 500 ML
220 Per 500 Milliliter
Triphala Ras is a multipurpose ayurveda health supplement and could be taken lifelong by all age groups. It helps build immune system and protects from respiratory infections. Also, known to improve eye sight and other eye related problems. Triphala has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral, anti-cancer effects. Triphala commonly used for losing weight, constipation, belly fat, indigestion, body cleansing, abdominal problems, flatulence, asthma, cough etc. Controls the harmful effects of Diabetes. Controls blood pressure. Increases the haemoglobin percentage in the blood. Purifies blood and makes body healthy. Packing 500ml Dose: - 15ml-25 ml per day empty stomach or as directed by physician.