quinoa flour
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We are a prominent Manufacturer and Supplier of Quinoa Flour. Our company makes sure that only premium quality Flour is delivered to our esteemed customers. The Flour is packed with vitamins, nutrients and minerals. It has many health benefits and can be consumed by people of any age group. We deliver them in air tight containers to keep the freshness intact. Our Quinoa Flour can be purchased from us at nominal rates. Details : Available for the first time in India, Queens 100% Quinoa Flour is packed in composite cans of 250 g with easy opening. It helps in preventing moisture & dampness. A customized recipe booklet and 35 g spoon is made available with each can. Quinoa (pronounced “keen-wah”) is listed as a super food providing significant quantities of essential vitamins and minerals including manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, folate, and copper. The flour is gluten free, has very low gi, & with complete protein, high in fiber, packed with iron, full of mood and immunity boosting vitamins and minerals. Quinoa flour is easy to prepare, and extremely versatile. It is suited for people from any health and age group.
quinoa flour
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quinoa flour, quinoa pasta, Quinoa Chips
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quinoa flour
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quinoa flour
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quinoa flour, Quinoa Grain, quinoa pasta, Quinoa Grain