Silicone Spreader Liquid
We have a well-developed all the in-house storage facility, laced with all the modern facilities. Also, we have hired a team of professionals who efficiently manage and maintain it. Well-established name in the domain, you can count on us for presenting extensive array of Silicone Spreader Liquid.Details : Excellent Spreading, Sticking and Penetrating power in spray at very low dosage. Acti-weter dissolve alkaline salts present in soil. It is a blend of non-ionic surfactants in 80% concentration Soil application improves uptake of N, P, K and other nutrients by plants. 100% bio-degradable product. It increases moisture content of soil thereby increasing the timing between two irrigations. Makes soil soft and most importantly breaks down chemical fertilizers. Reduces maximum surface tension of water in spray. Facilitates spreading and penetration of spray mixture 3ml/15 ltr spray. Dose & Application : Foliar application - 3 ml/ 15 ltr / Soil application - 180 ml/acre
...moreSeaweed Extract Powder
We maintain proper schedules for the delivery of bulk or urgent consignments so as to deliver the range in set time and gain utmost customer satisfaction. We ensure that the products we deliver will remain completely damage free as we make use of the finest quality packing material. Moreover, the entire process is supervised by the experts.Benefits : Improved Seed Germination - Promotes the development of shoots Natural Soil Conditioner - Revitalizes worn out soil through an increase in biological activity in the soil and neutralizes erosion and concentration of harmful micro biology Enlarged Root System - Triggering rooting resulting in increased nutrient uptake. Greater resistance to stress and adverse environmental conditions. Healthier Foliage And Fruit Appearance - Thicker, enlarges and balances the leaf growth, supplies well balanced crop nutrients, stimulates cell division, and improve the fruit set and blossoming Resistance To Pests - Contain antitoxins that help plants fend bacteria, viruses and pests Reduction of pesticides Field Trial Results : Seed Treatment + 3 spraySoyabean : 34.2% increase in production, Tomato = 60%, Banana: 38.5%, Paddy=17.4%, 28.3%, Potato: 22.2%Dosage : 0.33-1 gram/ltr in spray and 200-400 gram/acre in soil.
...moreSeaweed Extract Gel
We have a strong security system that helps us to make online transactions possible without getting worried about the security. You need to share your details with us and we make sure that the details are kept confidential. Our company is one of the dependable providers of premium range of our product in Suratgarh(India).Benefits Of Using Seaweed Gel : Enlarged Root System Enlarged Leaf Structure Excellent Seed Germination Improves Soil Texture Improves Plant Immunity Reduction of pesticides Enriches the soil Dosage : 1-2 kg per Acre depends upon crop (Wheat-1-2 kg, Rice-2-3 kg, Cotton-3-4 kg)
...morePlant Growth Promoter Liquid
We are a reliable name when it comes to high quality Plant Growth Promoter Liquid at competitively low prices. We own a capacious and well structured warehousing unit wherein we store the entire lot away from diverse damaging factors such as moisture, rain, sunlight and various others.Benefits : Increase the root growth High power formulation for plant growth from roots to leaf Boosts flowering and fruiting Helps plant to grow more heavily and healthily Improve nutrient uptake through the leaves Dose & Application : Foliar - 20-25 ml/15 ltr Drip - 1000 ml/Acre Specifications : It is formulated using the finest grade Seaweed Extract, Amino Acids and Fulvic Acid with latest technology. It contains more than 10 important technical like Auxins, Cytokinins, Gibberelins, Amino Acids, Fulvic Acid, Vitamins, Proteins etc. It can be given in any condition of plant to improves the overall health and production.
...moreFulvic Acid
In order to deliver high quality product range, we make use of the premium raw material that is sourced from the reliable places and that too after complete quality assurance. The company has segregated its infrastructure into several units and one of them is packaging unit wherein we meticulously pack our products for ensuring safe and secure deliveries.Bio Fulvic Acid 50% Solution : Bio Fulvic Acid is low molecular weight Potassium Humic Acid and is most plant-active of all the humic acid compounds. It is a unique blend of Fulvic Acid, Amino Acids, Nitrogen and Potassium. It acts as a plant growth stimulator that increases plant metabolism and nutrient intake. Fulvic acid acts as a chelating agent; it holds nutrients for the plant to absorb over time and should be used with regular fertilizers. It is an excellent supplement to fertilizers to improve nutrient absorption. Mainly used to make solution in concentration of 30-50%. Specifications : Fulvic content - 73%, Crude Protein (Amino Acids) - 21% Nitrogen from Protein source - 3% Potassium - 9.4% This product gives best results in drip than any Humic product available in market. Dose & Application : In Drip irrigation- 750 ml to 1 ltr/ Acre
...moreEnzyme Plant Growth Promoter
As a respectable firm, headquartered in Suratgarh(India), we are making available top-of-the-line quality products in the market. We, along with our team members make all the payment procedures completely transparent that makes us a trustworthy name in the industry. Benefits : Increase Production It Increase Flowering And Stop Dropping Of Fruits And Flowers When Sprayed During Growth It Fulfill Nutrient Deficiency From Soil And Help In Vigorous Growth. When Sprayed In Difficult Time It Help Plant To Resist Stress. Increase Colour, Taste, Quality And Uniformity Increase Resistance Power Which Help Plant To Fight With Diseases It Can Be Used As Root Dipping Solution And Seed Treatment Solution It Can Be Used In All Vegetable, Fruit Plants, Pulses And Grains. Dosage : 5 ml/15 ltr, 50 ml/Acre in spray and 150 ml/Acre in soil.
...moreBiostimulant Liquid
In order to deliver the orders on time, we have backed ourselves with advanced logistics facilities. Being a high-flying name in this arena, we promise to deliver the best in line quality products. In addition to this, we make sure that the offered lot is prepared using the finest grade material.Bio-Stimulant Details : Very effective products made up of natural hormones i.e. Carboxylic Acid, Cytokinine etc. Increase production Increase no of fruits and reduce flowering dropping Improve quality, size, shine and colour of fruit Protect crop from stress, cold and heat shock For all vegetables, fruits and cash crops Dosage : 100 ml/Acre (0.5-0.8 ml/ltr)Spray Period : First Spray - Before flowering; Second Spray - 15-20 days after flowering Yield increase in Vegetables - 35-40% (Tomato 50%, Chilly 40% etc)
...moreBiopesticide Chemical
With us, clients can stay assured for the quality of the products as we make use of the first class raw material that is tested on several measures prior to product manufacturing. With the assistance of skilled professionals and high-grade packaging system, we can easily furnish customized packaging requirements of the customers.
...moreAmino Acid Liquid
We have well-connected and capacious warehouse that helps us in arranging products systematically to deal with urgent deliveries and orders. Our exceptionally good warehouse system helps us in keeping the products safe till the final dispatch. Our reliable and superfast shipping facilities will not let you wait much and will efficiently deliver the range to your doorstep.
...moreActive Silicon Organic Soil Conditioner Fertilizer
Assistance of diligent professionals and modern packaging facility give our clients and us a win-win situation at the time of tailored packaging requirements. Only qualitative raw material can result top-notch product range. Thus, we procure it from dependable names in the industry and that too after complete quality confirmation. Benefits : It increases plant growth, flowering and fruiting. It increases crop yield and quality of crop. It is rich source of Plant available Silicon. It has high water holding capacity. It Neutralize Aluminum toxicity. It unlocks Phosphate and makes it available to plant. It reduces use of conventional Fertilizers by 25-40% It protects plants against insect, pests and fungal infection. There is reduction in irrigation and gives drought resistance to plant. It increases plants resistance to salt intoxication. It increases soil porosity. It gives strength to roots and stem of plant. It dramatically increases the cation exchange capacity, stimulating the absorption of nutrients. Will increase carbon sequestration. The results are visible within 15-20 days initially in the form of colour of the leaves which will be darker and growth will be faster as compared to normal crops without Soil Care. Cost advantage : Using Active Silicon will reduce consumption of Fertilizers (N,P,K) by its optimization in soil by approx 25-40 % Yield will be more per hectare (Min 25 -40 %) Vegetables will be greener and yield will be more. Fruits size and number will be more. Flowering will be more in floriculture plants and flowers will be bigger in size. Sugarcane stem will be thicker and taller in height. No. of Rice grains per plant will be more. In cassava roots will be thicker and juicy. Frequency of giving water will be reduced hence reducing cost. Doses : In agriculture crops- 25-50 kgs per acre. In Sugarcane – 50 kgs per acre. In Soya, Tobacco - 25-30 kgs per acre. (Broadcast spread and incorporated into the top 10-20 cm using an off-set disc plough or rotary hue for sugarcane. Generally, all Si is applied to soil before planting) : In Rice- 25-30 kgs per acre. In cotton25- 40 kgs per acre. In small fruit plants- 15-25 gms per plant. In big plant like banana, Orange 200-500 gram per plant in first yr followed by 100-200 gram in next yr. (To be applied near roots.) : In flowering plants- 10-15 gms per plant. (To be applied near roots.) : In Potatoes, Onion, Garlic- 40 kgs per acre.
...more98% Super Potassium F Humate Powder
Our stern examination in the raw materials and other inputs help us presenting quality assortment of products. With complete inspection on all materials, we ensure premium quality of products. Ours is a renowned name in the field of supplying comprehensive array of 98% Super Potassium F Humate Powder.Benefits : Humic acids physically modify the structure of the soil. Neutralize both acid and alkaline soils; regulate the pH-value of soils. Improve and optimize the uptake of nutrients and water by plants. Act as natural chelator for metal- ions under alkaline conditions and promote their uptake by the roots. Rich in both organic and mineral substances essential to plant growth. Enhance the uptake of nitrogen by plants. Stimulate plant enzymes and increase their production. Stimulate root growth, especially vertically and enable better uptake of nutrients. Promote the development of chlorophyll, sugars and amino acids in plants and aid in photosynthesis. Stimulate plant growth (higher biomass production) by accelerating cell division, increasing the rate of development in root systems and increasing the yield of dry matter. Dosage : Soil Application - 250-500 gram/Acre depends upon crop Foliar Application - 100-125 gram/Acr
...more98% Humic Acid Powder
In order to deliver the orders on time, we have backed ourselves with advanced logistics facilities. We have developed the entire in-house unit wherein we keep our raw material to fulfill variegated requirements of the buyers. Also, we make sure that the material is sourced from the reliable places only.Benefits : Humic acids physically modify the structure of the soil. Neutralize both acid and alkaline soils; regulate the pH-value of soils. Improve and optimize the uptake of nutrients and water by plants. Act as natural chelator for metal- ions under alkaline conditions and promote their uptake by the roots. Rich in both organic and mineral substances essential to plant growth. Enhance the uptake of nitrogen by plants. Stimulate plant enzymes and increase their production. Stimulate root growth, especially vertically and enable better uptake of nutrients. Promote the development of chlorophyll, sugars and amino acids in plants and aid in photosynthesis. Stimulate plant growth (higher biomass production) by accelerating cell division, increasing the rate of development in root systems and increasing the yield of dry matter. Dosage : Soil Application - 250-500 gram/Acre depends upon crop Foliar Application - 100-125 gram/Acre
...moreActive Silicon Organic Soil Conditioner - Fertilizer
Super Potassium F Humate
Super Potassium F Humate Flakes (98%)
Sticker Spreader
Seaweed Gel
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