Sillimanite Powder
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Sillimanite Powder
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Sillimnaite is a natural rich alumino silicate mineral. The industrial uses of sillimanite mineral specially related to their unique chemical and physical properties. High alumina content and lower Fe2O3 and LOI contributes to its main chemical properties. Withstanding the high temperatures and pressure the material is highly suitable for refractories and foundary application. The sillimanite mineral in raw or calcined form is specially used in manufacturing of refractory bricks, shapes, castings, monolithics, ramming and gunning mixtures. We manufacture ground sillimnaite in the mesh size of 80-100, 200 and 300 mesh size respectively with various packaging options.
Best Deals from Sillimanite Powder
Sillimanite Powder
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Being one of the major Manufacturers and Exporters in Udaipur, the company offers the finest grade Sillimanite Powder. Sillimanite is one of the three allotropic varieties of mineral corresponding to the formula Al2O3. SiO2. The other two are anadalusite and kyanite. They all contain 63.2% Al2O3 and 36.8% SiO2. They are distinguished from one another by their modes of occurrence and physical and optical properties.