Technique Diabrasives India Ltd Kodiyat, Udaipur, Rajasthan

  • Fickert Brusher

    Fickert Brusher

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    Fickert antique brush,Silicon carbide grit type Nylon 612, 30mm Length filament, diamond tools used for processing and polishing marble, granite, ceramic and artificial stone, since.

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  • diamond Flexible Polishing Pad

    diamond Flexible Polishing Pad

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    Resin bond, Flexible, Grit: 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1200,1500,3000,5000, 10000 & Buff Aggressive type and long duration, Shinning polishing performanceUsed on angle grinder, hand polisher,floor polishing machine, line polishing machine, For granite, marble, Ceramic floor grinding and polishing, One wet condition.

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Contact Information

Technique Diabrasives India Ltd

  • Mukesh Kumar Sahu
  • Village-Bujda, Kodiyat Road, Distt. Udaipur-313031), Rajasthan