Bola Surendra Kamath & Sons Udupi, Karnataka

  • RBD Palm Olein

    RBD Palm Olein

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    At Bolas, we are constantly driven by the passion to expand and diversify. After having established ourselves in the cashew and coffee industries, we ventured into a new and diversified territory: the Edible Oil Sector. A keen understanding of the demand for edible oil saw us venture into the industry in 2009.We started by importing RBD Palmolein from Indonesia and Malaysia. Today, we are well established and equipped to serve any part of the country’s edible oil needs.

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  • Raw Cashew Nuts

    Raw Cashew Nuts

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    Raw cashew nut has a unique kidney shape. Moreover, the outer shell of raw cashew nut is very hard to crack. The shell contains a liquid called CNSL, which can be very dangerous if not properly handled.We use a specially designed hand and leg operated cutting machines to cut raw cashew nuts. The operations are predominantly manual. The raw cashews are carefully cut to ensure that, there are minimum brokens.

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  • cashews Kernels

    cashews Kernels

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    In Spanish speaking countries of Latin America cashew is called maranon, whereas, in Venezuela cashew is known as mere. It is said that viz (the state of Maranhao in the northern part of Brazil) is one of the first areas, where this fruit was seen.

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  • Cashew Nut Husk

    Cashew Nut Husk

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    Cashew Kernels are blanched using a small knife. The adhearing testa (husk) is carefully removed ensuring minimum damage to the cashew kernels. Due to unique shape of the cashews, the process is mostly manual.

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Contact Information

Bola Surendra Kamath & Sons

  • Manoj
  • Kedinji, Udupi, Karnataka