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Product Description Contain: 1 x 107 CFU/ml Azospirillum lipoferumAction : Increases crop production in large scale. Enhances seed germination. Encourages Plumpness of Fruits. Helps to promote root proliferation. Reduces 25-30% of nitrogen fertilizers cost. Dose :Soil Application : Add 500ml of liquid fertilizer in 100 litres of water and apply at 1 acre of land through dripirrigation or drench the soil at proper moisture of land.
Azospirillum Biofertilizer
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Nitrogen & Phosphorous are two major nutrients for plant growth which are provided through Chemical Fertilizers or Organic Manure. Certain soil microorganisms have an ability to fix part of elementary form of atmospheric nitrogen to the available form for the plants and or solubilize part of the bound phosphates of the soil and thereby make them available to the plant which increases fertility of the soil and yield. These characteristics make them useful as Biofertilizers. Thus, the Biofertilizers are the 'Live Fertilizers' of biological origin. GSFC is one of the leading manufacturers of Biofertilizers since 1984. GSFC's Biofertilizers are available under the brand name of 'Sardar Biofertilizers'.
Best Deals from Azospirillum Biofertilizer
agriland azospirillum
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agriland azospirillum, Botanical Pesticides, biological fungicides