enviornmend inc Old Padra Road, Vadodara, Gujarat


  • Water Solutions

    Water Solutions

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    Water conservation in villages & urban areas could help in providing drinking water, irrigation water, increase ground water recharge, reduce storm water discharges & control urban floods. Water covers most of the planet but only 3% is fresh water (and most of that is ice) Less than 1% of all freshwater is accessible for human use. It’s been said, we’re going to run out of water, before we run out of oil. Water has become a highly precious resource & we in India depend on rainfall for meeting most of our water requirements. We must use our finite resources wisely. Rain is the primary source of drinkable water available on earth, LETS USE RAINWATER. Precast modular rainwater harvesting 3 R waste water treatment One stop solution for water

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  • Technical Landscaping

    Technical Landscaping

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    GO GREEN!!! Why? According to a research by NASA, 350 PPM (Parts Per Million) is the safest carbon concentration level in atmosphere.   The current level is 387.28 PPM. At the rate with which we are cutting the forests and burning up the natural resources it'll take at least 190 years to bring back the number to 350. The first and easiest solution to this issue is growing more plants. Plants not only reduce atmospheric pollution but also reduce temperature & soil erosion. Plants give positive vibrations in the surrounding nature will definitely have a good impact on the climate & improve health of an individual by fresh air. Thus, we encourage everyone to set their targets at 350 and join hands in saving the planet. CONSERVE TODAY, REJOICE TOMMORROW.

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  • energy efficient lighting

    energy efficient lighting

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    Light up places with no electricity, to bring about the promise of modern life. These places that are powerless in more ways than one, as the villages only move with the turning of the sun. If implemented correctly, every 15 minutes the amount of energy from the sun that strikes the EARTH is sufficient enough to supply the energy requirement of the whole world for a year! LETS HEAL THE WORLD ONE LIGHT AT A TIME. Indoor Lighting Industrial Lighting Outdoor Lighting Roads, Highways and Public Amenity Hazardous Location Obstruction Signals

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Contact Information

Enviornmend Inc

  • Irfan Saiyed
  • X-2, Earth Complex, Akshar Chowk, Old Padra Road, Vadodara, Gujarat