garden pipe
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Heavy duty and sturdy garden or watering pipe for long term outdoor use We do not make standard commercial grade watering pipe which lasts only a few months. Instead this heavy duty pipe, ideal for long life and even for construction sites which has heavy vehicle movement. UV stabilizers to make sure that pipe lasts a long time even when left in the open No fungus or algae build up inside the pipe Available in ½”, ¾” and 1” ½” and ¾” pipes have lines on the surface for better grip
Pvc Color Garden Pipe
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Jay plast industries offers a wide variety of PVC Versatile Pipe, which is used for irrigating the vegetation in the garden. Produced using quality examined content, these pipe joints are immune to varying climate circumstances & heat range and leak-proof. We make these available in various styles, shades and requirements to meet needs of the customers. Spacial Features 1) Available in eye-catching colors 2) Simple to use cause its flexibility 3) Properly secured against various climates 4) Unchanged against sun rays 5) Produced from virgin mobile material
Best Deals from Garden Pipes
Pvc Garden Pipe
85 Per Kilogram
garden pipe
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agriculture pipe, green braided pipe