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The Morgan MK V Gas Furnace is constructed using the most efficient low thermal mass materials for the lining and provides the maximum economy in energy costs.Morgan’s Gas Fired Bale Out Furnace
The superb insulation allows for excellent melting performance from the high performance compact gas burner. Radiation losses are minimised by use of a well-insulated swing-aside cover that can be sealed when no baling or filling is needed. A low casing temperature provides comfortable working conditions RADIANT PANEL ASSEMBLIESTwelve refractory, radiant heater panels are arranged around the crucible and extend to the full depth of the furnace chamber. The self-supporting design facilitates ease of removal in the unlikely event the panels need replacement. These panels efficiently convert gas energy to radiant energy. HIGH EFFICIENCYThe combination of radiant heat transfer and the use of advanced insulating materials provides a melting and holding furnace of exceptional efficiency and comfortable working conditions. SIZE RANGEThe furnace is available in sizes ranging up to 1327 kg for melting. Other crucible patterns than those shown in the performance table are available to provide the capacity span indicated for each size reference. FUELTYPESNatural Gas: 9000 Kcal/m3Propane: 22000 Kcal/m3Butane: 28000 Kcal/m3Pressure: 20—millibar
Data for zinc and zinc alloys available one request.Above data based on optimum foundry conditions. For normal foundry operations a performance of 90% of these ratings is typical.
KEY FEATURES :- GAS BURNERThe furnace is equipped with an advanced self-contained nozzle mix gas burner. The burner provides maximum melt rates with efficient fuel inputs. This maximises crucible life and performance. The controller and fast response rate of the furnace nearly eliminate temperature overshoot. This reliable, fully-modulating industrial grade burner utilises anultra-violet detector to monitor the presence of combustion. Accurate ratio control minimises emissions of NOx and CO.
Circuit breaker for isolation and protection
Proportional control gas burner
Crucible and heater hour meters
Programmable time clock switching
Mimic display
Flame failure, sequencing controller
Metal temperature control may be either from a floating or fixed pyrometer or one housed within the crucible. The programmable controller will maintain the metal temperature within very close limits, by automatic adjustment to heat input, whether melting or holding. The digital display shows both the required temperature and current metal temperature.TEMPERATURE DEPRESSIONThis energy conservation feature enables a lower holding temperature to be automatically selected during periods of non use. A dedicated real-time/date clock can be programmed to select reduced temperature and to return to operational temperature. when required. Similarly, the real-time clock can be programmed to start up and shut down the furnace at preset times and dates.
OUTPUT LIMITEDTHERMOCOUPLE FAILURE PROTECTIONIf the thermocouple sensor fails, this feature provides a programmed level of output power. Typically set to 10-30%, the time proportioning power control provides sufficient heat output power to maintain an aluminium charge within an acceptable temperature range.lifespan.POLICEMAN CONTROL The furnace is equipped with a ”policeman” control. This feature is designed to prevent overheating of the furnace refractories and radiant panels, thus avoiding reduction of their lifespan. PYROMETRYA variety of metal temperature pyrometry can be specified. This Includes floating or fixed immersion types and thermocouples housed within the crucible for holding applications.OPTIONS AVAILABLESpilt metal detection, low metal temperature alarm, in-range indicating beacons, pneumatic swing-aside cover, and metal temperature overshoot control