Rainwater Harvesting Services
We are providing rainwater harvesting services. We provide complete solution for rain water harvesting system including surveys & investigations for permeability percolation tests of soils, resistivity surveys and estimation of ground water potential etc., design of harvesting system, recharge wells & storage tanks & estimation of potential rain water harvesting system.
...moreEnvironmental and Social Impact Assessment Services
Kadam is indisputably a leader in the field of environmental and social impact assessments in india with projects spanning the length and breadth of the country. Currently kadam is accredited by the national accreditation board for education and training (nabet) for 24 sectors that require environmental clearance (more sectors that any other environmental consulting organisation in the country).
...moreEnvironmental Due Diligence Services
Get the Environmental Site Assessment Due Diligence Enviro-legal Audit Environmental Impact Assessment done by experts anywhere in the world. You may benefit through our rapid response to identify environmental issues and their commercial implications. Many multinational companies have benefited from us. We have a team of experienced chemical and civil engineers, geologists and chemists for taking up the ESA projects. We also have the following instruments to help us in carrying out the ESAs:
...moreEnviro-Legal Services
1 kec renders assistance in obtaining enviro-legal clearances no objection certificate (noc) i.e. Consent to establish (cte), consent to operate (cto), consent under water act, 1974, consent under air act, 1981, 2 environmental clearance from moef and seac 3 crz clearance 4 forest clearance 5 cgwa permissions
...moreenvironmental audit services
We are providing environmental audit services. We have been recognised schedule ii environmental auditors right since the inception of the environmental audit scheme. For the current year, 2014, we have three teams approved by gpcb, each consisting of an environmental engineer, a chemical engineer, a chemist and a microbiologist.
...moreEnergy Audit Services
We are providing energy audit services. We have been conducting energy audits since 2011 and we now have a team of bee certified energy auditors, electrical and chemical engineers, in addition to the support staff consisting of junior engineers, technicians and filed operators, who have carried out more than xx energy audits. The energy auditor team members have 25 to 35 years of experience in large industries.
...moresafety audit services
We are providing occupational health and safety audit services. Safety of personnel and equipment is of paramount importance in all modern industrial or commercial organisations. Safety audit is an important activity to ensure that an effective safety (occupational health and safety) management system is in place.we have qualified, trained and experienced professionals (on rolls and empanelled) for conducting safety audits. The safety audits are done as per the is 14489:2002 or as per the scope customised to the requirements of the client.
...moreIntegrated Management System Consultancy
We are providing integrated management system consultancy. We have a team of certified lead auditors for iso 9001:2008, iso 14001:2004 and ohsas 18001:2007 having experience of helping set up and audit a large number of organisations in diverse industrial sectors. Our quality environmental occupational health and safety management systems consultancy services include: gap analysis planning the management system system awareness training helping the client in system documentation system implementation
...moreLanduse Services
We also have the necessary infrastructure, hardware in the form of computers, gps devices and software in the form of specialized applications like google earth pro, autocad, arc-gis and envi. We also regularly use satellite imagery published by organizations like nrsc.
...moreAir Quality Monitoring Services
We are providing air quality monitoring services. We have over 35 particulate samplers for ambient air quality monitoring. Respirable dust samplers are used to collect particulate matter of < 10μ size and non-particulate fraction of > 10μ size separately. These samplers are also used to collect gaseous pollutants such as sox (oxides of sulphur), nox (oxides of nitrogen), chlorine, etc.
...moreStack Monitoring Services
We are providing stack monitoring services. The purpose of stack monitoring is to extract sample from the stack or duct which is representative of emissions from that stack or duct during a time period under a desired operation condition. We have several stack monitoring kits for operation in the field. The advantages of the stack monitoring kits that they are light weight to carry anywhere and easy to operate.
...moreWork Place Monitoring Services
Personal samplers or handy samplers of adequate and appropriate design are available with kec. They have adequate capacity to carryout industrial hygiene surveys and exposure to fugitive emissions. The methods used for analysis are as per section 36(a) factory act 1 948.
...moreMeteorological Monitoring Services
Kec has several on-line data-loggers for weather data collection as well as manual weather data collection equipment. These equipment include wind vane, wind anemometer, dry & wet thermometer, max. & min. Thermometer, rain gauge, barometer and sodar.
...moreWater Sampling Services
Niskin type water sampler is used for collection of water samples. It has the capacity of five litres. The water sampler is sent to the desired depth, in the vertical position by clamping it to a rope of 4 to 6 mm diameter. The brass messenger is allowed to slide along the wire and strike the top of the push rod, which activates the closure of the sampler underwater.
...moreMud Sampling Services
Mud sampler is used to collect mud samples for the determination of sediments, i.e. minute organisms present in the mud.
...moreZooplankton Sampling Services
There are nets available for zooplankton (micro-organisms present in the water body) collection. A small bucket is attached at the bottom of the net. After towing, the bottom portion of the bucket can be separated by removing the safety wire and turning on the ‘T’ shaped lever.
...moreSoil Sampling Services
Core cutters are used to collect surface soil samples. Before stated sampling the upper most soil layer is removed to prevent mix garbage or dust. Then original or clear soil is collected in core cutter up to the depth of about 1 to 2 feet.
...moreEffluent Treatment Plants Services
We are providing effluent treatment plants services. Treatability studies on waste water effluent samples for deriving treatment scheme as suitable to different types of industries estates. Design and engineering for water treatment plants for process industries and estates. Performance evaluation studies for present etp cetp set ups.
...moreSewage Treatment Plants
We are providing sewage treatment plants. Sprawling and modern residential buildings, shopping mall and offices are coming up in metropolitan cities. Sewage treatment is the need of the day as it is the most simple & convenient way of treatment for recycling and reuse of precious water. Sewage generation has also increased in this modernized world.
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