sodium metatungstate
Sodium Metatungstate(Na6H2O40W12) we offer is also known as Sodium Polytungstate. The Sodium Metatungstate is in high demand for its low viscosity suiatble for faster seperation in various sectors. Clients are eased with the avaiability of the Sodium Metatungstate in secured packing at rock bottom prices. Properties Specific Gravity is 2.5 ~ 3Molecular Weight of 2968 gm / molHigh densityHeavy liquidNon toxic alternative of bromoform Ideal For Heavy Liquid Density Separations In
...moreCobalt Oxide
The Cobalt Oxide (Co2O3, CoO) we offer mixed valance compound. The company makes avaiable the purest grade of Cobalt (II, III) Oxide with 70% Co Content. At each stage of production the Industrial Chemical, Cobalt Oxide undergoes rigorous quality tests to ensure that only the best Industrial Chemical is dispersed to the market. Properties Dark grey color Molecular Weight of 240 gm / mol Contains 72% Cobalt contentDecomposes above 900oC Applications Useful as a catalyst in organic reactionsManufacturing of Cobalt Monoxide
...moretungsten chemicals
Cobalt Chemicals
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