Nitrogen Gas Cabinet Generator
500,000 Per Units
nitrogen gas plant
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Best Deals from Nitrogen Gas Plant
liquid nitrogen plants
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Cryocooler based portable Liquid Nitrogen PlantsWe provide complete portable Liquid Nitrogen generator/Plant. This is indigenously developed except the cryocooler/refrigerator part. Now you can have Liquid Nitrogen on demand. For pricing and more information on production capacities please contact us. Features of these LN2 plant are listed below. Produce Liquid Nitrogen directly from the air using advanced PSA or Membrane technology. Powered by GM Cycle Cryocooler or acoustic Stirling (pulse tube) cryocooler. 100W @80K required for production of 1litre/hr 99% or better purity at nominal operating conditions. The pressure in the storage vessel can be set from 0.3 to 3 bar (g), increasing the liquid nitrogen production to a maximum of 30% at a purity of 98% or better. (refer the wattage at higher boiling points)
High Pressure Nitrogen Pumping Units
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High Pressure Nitrogen Pumping Units, Single Stage Gas Regulator
Combined Nitrogen & Zero Air Generator
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Combined Nitrogen & Zero Air Generator