PS2 Wireless Robot Controller
1,950 Per Piece
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Controlling a robot wirelessly is possible with several methods such as Remote, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, etc. But, the controls of these communication methods are limited to certain areas, and complicated to design as well. To overcome these difficulties, we have come up with a Mobile Controlled Robot. A Mobile Controlled Robot is a mobile device, which provides wide-range of wireless control ability to your robot unless your cell phone gets out of signal. A general concept of mobile controlled robot is that it can be controlled from any part of the world with just an inclusion of a camera. In this project the robot, is controlled by a mobile phone that makes call to the mobile phone attached to the robot in the course of the call, if any button is pressed control corresponding to the button pressed is heard at the other end of the call. This tone is called dual tone Multi frequency tone (DTMF) robot receives this DTMF tone with the help of phone stacked in the robot. The mobile that makes a call to the mobile phone stacked in the robot acts as a remote. So this simple robotic project does not require the construction ofreceiver and transmitter units. DTMF signaling is used for telephone signaling over the line in the voice frequency band to the call switching center. The version of DTMF used for telephone dialing is known as touch tone . DTMF assigns a specific frequency (consisting of two separate tones) to each key s that it can easily be identified by the electronic circuit. The signal generated by the DTMF encoder is the direct al-gebric submission, in real time of the amplitudes of two sine(cosine) waves of different frequencies, i.e. ,pressing 5 will send a tone made by adding 1336hz and 770hz to the other end of the mobile.
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