ROLEX ENTERPRISE Dabhoi, Vadodara, Gujarat

  • Wooden Scrap

    Wooden Scrap

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    Rolex Enterprise introduce us as a Wooden Scarp Buyer. We are dealing with all kinds of Wooden Scarp. The core business of the company is primarily the purchasing of a wide variety of Wooden Scarp from most of the reputed companies throughout India. We have the ability to purchase a wide variety of Wooden Scarp. We are procured from the most reliable vendors of the market for Wooden Scarp. If you are ready to sell your Wooden Scarp Scarp, so we are interested to buy your Wooden Scarp. The proprietor of the company aims to establish Rolex Enterprise as the major buyer of Wooden Scarp in Gujarat India. Rolex Enterprise is among the top Wooden Scarp Buyer in Gujarat India. Do you have Wooden Scarp with you, would you like to sell your Wooden Scarp? So you are at right place to sell your Wooden Scarp, Rolex Enterprise can give you the best price in the market for your Wooden Scarp. We are the leading Wooden Scarp Buyer and we assure to pay the best price in market so that you receive the best price for your Wooden Scarp. Get the best price for your Wooden Scarp from Rolex Enterprise. We buy all types of Wooden Scarp from anywhere in the city or country. We work with the motto of customer satisfaction.

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  • Steel Scrap

    Steel Scrap

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    Rolex Enterprise introduce us as a Steel Scrap Buyer. We are dealing with all kinds of Steel Scarp. The core business of the company is primarily the purchasing of a wide variety of Steel Scrap from most of the reputed companies throughout India. We have the ability to purchase a wide variety of Steel Scarp. We are procured from the most reliable vendors of the market for Steel Scarp. If you are ready to sell your Steel Scarp, so we are interested to buy your Steel Scarp. The proprietor of the company aims to establish Rolex Enterprise as the major buyer of Steel Scrap in Gujarat India. Rolex Enterprise is among the top Steel Scrap Buyer in Gujarat India. Do you have Steel Scrap with you, would you like to sell your Steel Scarp? So you are at right place to sell your Steel Scarp, Rolex Enterprise can give you the best price in the market for your Steel Scarp. We are the leading Steel Scrap Buyer and we assure to pay the best price in market so that you receive the best price for your Steel Scarp. Get the best price for your Steel Scrap from Rolex Enterprise . We buy all types of Steel Scrap from anywhere in the city or country. We work with the motto of customer satisfaction.

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  • Nickel Scrap

    Nickel Scrap

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    Rolex Enterprise introduce us as a Nickel Scrap Buyer. We are dealing with all kinds of Nickel Scarp. The core business of the company is primarily the purchasing of a wide variety of Nickel Scrap from most of the reputed companies throughout India. We have the ability to purchase a wide variety of Nickel Scarp. We are procured from the most reliable vendors of the market for Nickel Scarp. If you are ready to sell your Nickel Scarp, so we are interested to buy your Nickel Scarp. The proprietor of the company aims to establish Rolex Enterprise as the major buyer of Nickel Scrap in Gujarat India. Rolex Enterprise is among the top Nickel Scrap Buyer in Gujarat India. Do you have Nickel Scrap with you, would you like to sell your Nickel Scarp? So you are at right place to sell your Nickel Scarp, Rolex Enterprise can give you the best price in the market for your Nickel Scarp. We are the leading Nickel Scrap Buyer and we assure to pay the best price in market so that you receive the best price for your Nickel Scarp. Get the best price for your Nickel Scrap from Rolex Enterprise . We buy all types of Nickel Scrap from anywhere in the city or country. We work with the motto of customer satisfaction.

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  • Mild Steel Scrap

    Mild Steel Scrap

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    Rolex Enterprise introduce us as a MS Scarp Buyer. We are dealing with all kinds of MS Scarp. The core business of the company is primarily the purchasing of a wide variety of MS Scarp from most of the reputed companies throughout India. We have the ability to purchase a wide variety of MS Scarp. We are procured from the most reliable vendors of the market for MS scrap Scarp. If you are ready to sell your MS Scarp, so we are interested to buy your MS scrap Scarp. The proprietor of the company aims to establish Rolex Enterprise as the major buyer of MS Scarp in Gujarat India. Do you have MS scrap Scarp with you, would you like to sell your MS Scarp? So you are at right place to sell your MS scrap Scarp, Rolex Enterprise can give you the best price in the market for your MS Scarp. We are the leading MS Scarp Buyer and we assure to pay the best price in market so that you receive the best price for your MS Scarp. Get the best price for your MS Scarp from Rolex Enterprise . We buy all types of MS scrap Scarp from anywhere in the city or country. We work with the motto of customer satisfaction.

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  • Lead Scrap

    Lead Scrap

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    Rolex Enterprise introduce us as a Lead Scrap Buyer. We are dealing with all kinds of Lead Scarp. The core business of the company is primarily the purchasing of a wide variety of Lead Scrap from most of the reputed companies throughout India. We have the ability to purchase a wide variety of Lead Scarp. We are procured from the most reliable vendors of the market for Lead Scarp. If you are ready to sell your Lead Scarp, so we are interested to buy your Lead Scarp. The proprietor of the company aims to establish Rolex Enterprise as the major buyer of Lead Scrap in Gujarat India. Rolex Enterprise is among the top Lead Scrap Buyer in Gujarat India. Do you have Lead Scrap with you, would you like to sell your Lead Scarp? So you are at right place to sell your Lead Scarp, Rolex Enterprise can give you the best price in the market for your Lead Scarp. We are the leading Lead Scrap Buyer and we assure to pay the best price in market so that you receive the best price for your Lead Scarp. Get the best price for your Lead Scrap from Rolex Enterprise . We buy all types of Lead Scrap from anywhere in the city or country. We work with the motto of customer satisfaction.

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  • Glass Scrap

    Glass Scrap

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    Rolex Enterprise introduce us as a Glass Scrap Buyer. We are dealing with all kinds of Brass Scarp. The core business of the company is primarily the purchasing of a wide variety of Glass Scrap from most of the reputed companies throughout India. We have the ability to purchase a wide variety of Brass Scarp. We are procured from the most reliable vendors of the market for Brass Scarp. If you are ready to sell your Glass Scrap Scarp, so we are interested to buy your Brass Scarp. The proprietor of the company aims to establish Rolex Enterprise as the major buyer of Glass Scrap in Gujarat India. Rolex Enterprise is among the top Glass Scrap Buyer in Gujarat India. Do you have Glass Scrap with you, would you like to sell your Glass Scarp? So you are at right place to sell your Brass Scarp, Rolex Enterprise can give you the best price in the market for your Brass Scarp. We are the leading Glass Scrap Buyer and we assure to pay the best price in market so that you receive the best price for your Glass Scarp. Get the best price for your Glass Scrap from Rolex Enterprise . We buy all types of Glass Scrap from anywhere in the city or country. We work with the motto of customer satisfaction.

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  • galvanized scrap

    galvanized scrap

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    Rolex Enterprise introduce us as a GI Scrap Buyer. We are dealing with all kinds of GI Scarp. The core business of the company is primarily the purchasing of a wide variety of GI Scrap from most of the reputed companies throughout India. We have the ability to purchase a wide variety of GI Scarp. We are procured from the most reliable vendors of the market for GI Scarp. If you are ready to sell your GI Scrap Scarp, so we are interested to buy your GI Scarp. The proprietor of the company aims to establish Rolex Enterprise as the major buyer of GI Scrap in Gujarat India. Do you have GI Scrap with you, would you like to sell your GI Scarp? So you are at right place to sell your GI Scarp, Rolex Enterprise can give you the best price in the market for your GI Scarp. We are the leading GI Scrap Buyer and we assure to pay the best price in market so that you receive the best price for your GI Scarp. Get the best price for your GI Scrap from Rolex Enterprise . We buy all types of GI Scrap from anywhere in the city or country. We work with the motto of customer satisfaction.

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  • electrical scrap

    electrical scrap

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    Rolex Enterprise introduce us as a Electrical Scrap Buyer. We are dealing with all kinds of Electrical Scarp. The core business of the company is primarily the purchasing of a wide variety of Electrical Scrap from most of the reputed companies throughout India. We have the ability to purchase a wide variety of Electrical Scarp. We are procured from the most reliable vendors of the market for Electrical Scarp. If you are ready to sell your Electrical  Scarp, so we are interested to buy your Electrical Scarp. The proprietor of the company aims to establish Rolex Enterprise as the major buyer of Electrical Scrap in Gujarat India. Rolex Enterprise is among the top Electrical Scrap Buyer in Gujarat India. Do you have Electrical Scrap with you, would you like to sell your Electrical Scarp? So you are at right place to sell your Electrical Scarp, Rolex Enterprise can give you the best price in the market for your Electrical Scarp. We are the leading Electrical Scrap Buyer and we assure to pay the best price in market so that you receive the best price for your Electrical Scarp. Get the best price for your Electrical Scrap from Rolex Enterprise . We buy all types of Electrical Scrap from anywhere in the city or country. We work with the motto of customer satisfaction.

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  • Dismantle Scrap

    Dismantle Scrap

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    Rolex Enterprise introduce us as a Dismantle Scrap Buyer. We are dealing with all kinds of Dismantle Scarp. The core business of the company is primarily the purchasing of a wide variety of Dismantle Scrap from most of the reputed companies throughout India. We have the ability to purchase a wide variety of Dismantle Scarp. We are procured from the most reliable vendors of the market for Dismantle Scarp. If you are ready to sell your Dismantle Scrap Scarp, so we are interested to buy your Dismantle Scarp. The proprietor of the company aims to establish Rolex Enterprise as the major buyer of Dismantle Scrap in Gujarat India. Rolex Enterprise is among the top Dismantle Scrap Buyer in Gujarat India. Do you have Dismantle Scrap with you, would you like to sell your Dismantle Scarp? So you are at right place to sell your Dismantle Scarp, Rolex Enterprise can give you the best price in the market for your Dismantle Scarp. We are the leading Dismantle Scrap Buyer and we assure to pay the best price in market so that you receive the best price for your Dismantle Scarp. Get the best price for your Dismantle Scrap from Rolex Enterprise . We buy all types of Dismantle Scrap from anywhere in the city or country. We work with the motto of customer satisfaction.

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  • Computer Scrap

    Computer Scrap

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    Rolex Enterprise introduce us as a Computer Scarp Buyer. We are dealing with all kinds of Computer Scarp. The core business of the company is primarily the purchasing of a wide variety of Computer Scarp from most of the reputed companies throughout India. We have the ability to purchase a wide variety of Computer Scarp. We are procured from the most reliable vendors of the market for Computer Scarp. If you are ready to sell your Computer Scarp Scarp, so we are interested to buy your Computer Scarp. The proprietor of the company aims to establish Rolex Enterprise as the major buyer of Computer Scarp in Gujarat India. Rolex Enterprise is among the top Computer Scarp Buyer in Gujarat India. Do you have Computer Scarp with you, would you like to sell your Computer Scarp? So you are at right place to sell your Computer Scarp, Rolex Enterprise can give you the best price in the market for your Computer Scarp. We are the leading Computer Scarp Buyer and we assure to pay the best price in market so that you receive the best price for your Computer Scarp. Get the best price for your Computer Scarp from Rolex Enterprise. We buy all types of Computer Scarp from anywhere in the city or country. We work with the motto of customer satisfaction.

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  • Cast Iron Scrap

    Cast Iron Scrap

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    Rolex Enterprise introduce us as a Cast Iron Scarp Buyer. We are dealing with all kinds of Cast Iron Scarp. The core business of the company is primarily the purchasing of a wide variety of Cast Iron Scarp from most of the reputed companies throughout India. We have the ability to purchase a wide variety of Cast Iron Scarp. We are procured from the most reliable vendors of the market for Cast Iron Scarp. If you are ready to sell your Cast Iron Scarp Scarp, so we are interested to buy your Cast Iron Scarp. The proprietor of the company aims to establish Rolex Enterprise as the major buyer of Cast Iron Scarp in Gujarat India. Rolex Enterprise is among the top Cast Iron Scarp Buyer in Gujarat India. Do you have Cast Iron Scarp with you, would you like to sell your Cast Iron Scarp? So you are at right place to sell your Cast Iron Scarp, Rolex Enterprise can give you the best price in the market for your Cast Iron Scarp. We are the leading Cast Iron Scarp Buyer and we assure to pay the best price in market so that you receive the best price for your Cast Iron Scarp. Get the best price for your Cast Iron Scarp from Rolex Enterprise. We buy all types of Cast Iron Scarp from anywhere in the city or country. We work with the motto of customer satisfaction.  

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  • Brass Scrap

    Brass Scrap

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    Rolex Enterprise introduce us as a Brass Scarp Buyer. We are dealing with all kinds of Brass Scarp. The core business of the company is primarily the purchasing of a wide variety of Brass Scarp from most of the reputed companies throughout India. We have the ability to purchase a wide variety of Brass Scarp. We are procured from the most reliable vendors of the market for Brass Scarp. If you are ready to sell your Brass Scarp Scarp, so we are interested to buy your Brass Scarp. The proprietor of the company aims to establish Rolex Enterprise as the major buyer of Brass Scarp in Gujarat India. Rolex Enterprise is among the top Brass Scarp Buyer in Gujarat India. Do you have Brass Scarp with you, would you like to sell your Brass Scarp? So you are at right place to sell your Brass Scarp, Rolex Enterprise can give you the best price in the market for your Brass Scarp. We are the leading Brass Scarp Buyer and we assure to pay the best price in market so that you receive the best price for your Brass Scarp. Get the best price for your Brass Scarp from Rolex Enterprise . We buy all types of Brass Scarp from anywhere in the city or country. We work with the motto of customer satisfaction.

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  • Aluminium Scrap

    Aluminium Scrap

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    Rolex Enterpriseintroduce us as a Aluminium Scarp Buyer. We are dealing with all kinds of Aluminium Scarp. The core business of the company is primarily the purchasing of a wide variety of Aluminium Scarp from most of the reputed companies throughout India. We have the ability to purchase a wide variety of Aluminium Scarp. We are procured from the most reliable vendors of the market for Aluminium Scarp. If you are ready to sell your Aluminium Scarp, so we are interested to buy your Aluminium Scarp. The proprietor of the company aims to establish Rolex Enterpriseas the major buyer of Aluminium Scarp in Gujarat India. Rolex Enterpriseis among the top Aluminium Scarp Buyer in Gujarat India. Do you have Aluminium Scarp with you, would you like to sell your Aluminium Scarp? So you are at right place to sell your Aluminium Scarp, Rolex Enterprisecan give you the best price in the market for your Aluminium Scarp. We are the leading Aluminium Scarp Buyer and we assure to pay the best price in market so that you receive the best price for your Aluminium Scarp. Get the best price for your Aluminium Scarp from Rolex Enterprise. We buy all types of Aluminium Scarp from anywhere in the city or country. We work with the motto of customer satisfaction.

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About the Company

  • Primary Business Retailer
  • Secondary Business Type Manufacturer / Exporters / Wholesale Suppliers

Opening Hours

  • SUN : Closed
  • MON : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • TUE : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
We introduce our self as ROLEX ENTERPRISE, HO at Vadodara-Gujarat & having warehouses in Jarod vadodara, working in all kind of scrap materials .
We are here to provide services which focus on customer centricity rather than profit making motive in such competitive market , we are working in pan India , we are dealing in scrap merchants , joining us than you will get transparency , customer satisfaction with right guidance of our service with the trust seal of ROLEX ENTERPRISE will recommenced us to reference on the base of our service with our best quality customer support , we strongly believe that for us every customer is King & King every never bargains ,so for every customer price of service is same & will never change, because of which any kind of frauds or misrepresentation’s will supposed not to happen & customer transparency will be maintained that is our prime objective .
Services – We are leading with a team of professionals labour’s. who will take care of scrap yard cleaning & strictly follow the safety policy of respective organisation.
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Contact Information


  • 61,Vasant Estate,opp.Yamuna Mill, Dabhoi Road,Pratapnagar , ., Vadodara, Gujarat