The Ruling On Taking Narration from People of Innovations Book
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This book is the first in The Imams and Hadith Scholars Series which aims to survey the verdicts of the scholars on the concept of innovation (bid a) according to the Sharia. The statements of 45 Imams have been provided, presented in chronological order. By taking this approach, the author, his eminence, Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, has shown that from the time of the Pious Predecessors to the current age, the Imams and Hadith Scholars have consistently stated not all innovations are condemned and rejected outright. Rather, only those innovations that contradict the Qur'an and Sunna and do not have a basis in the Sharia Are rejected. What is more, the author has splendidly shown in this constructive and resourceful book that despite the differences in terminology and wordings, virtually all the scholars agreed with one another with regards to the division of bid a into two principal kinds: one kind that is accepted by the Sharia and the other that is not. About the Series The Imams and Hadith Scholars Series is an original contribution to the Islamic literary corpus: it draws upon the mainstream, orthodox understanding of Sunni Islam, showing the continuity and consistency of the scholarly verdicts issued by its eminent authorities. This series deals with disputed matters that have become fault lines of contention in the contemporary age, such as bid a, tawassul and Mawlid al-Nabi. By taking the verdicts of the Imams and Hadith Scholars chronologically, the series allows one to look at these issues from an historical angle and thus trace the development of the census held by the scholars. In this way, this series is an important facilitator for the carnest seeker to determine where the truth lays. The significance of these books therefore, cannot be overstated. Through the sincerity of this endeavour, we pray to Allah that the vociferous sectarianism that has blighted Muslim unity in our age can be curtailed, and some semblance of unity can be achieved
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