PSGM-1-D-AGS (CEMS-C) Continuous Stack Gas Emission Monitoring System
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PSGM-1-D-AGS (CEMS-C) Continuous Emissions Monitoring system can monitor gases, including SO2, NOx, O2, dust, humidity, temperature, pressure, flow parameters, etc. In addition, also can monitor gases for a particular occasion such as HCI, HF, CO, CO2, NH3, H2S, Cl2, VOC, etc. PRIMA is the only high and new technology Indian company witha full set of intellectual property rights of flue gas monitoring. Its independent research and development products include ultraviolet flue gas analyzer, dust monitor, temperature pressure flow, humidity meter, HCI analyzer, HF analyzer, pretreatment system, monitoring software, etc. Technology platforms either Extractive, Hot Extractive, Hot-Wet Extraction, Dilution or In-situ measurement system with Electrochemical, PID, NDIR, TDLAS (Laser), FID, UV-DOAS measurement technology. Application : Boiler, Furnace, Thermo Pack, Process, WetScrubber, Waste Incinerator. Apply to the emission monitoring and process analysis of powerplant, cement, glass, limefactory, ceramicsfactory, sinter, coke oven, de-sulfurization, and de nitration.
spmms-c91 continuous stack dust pm monitoring system
125,000 Per piece
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