Allied Air Express Vapi, Gujarat

  • air freight service

    air freight service

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    Our air freight services are offered to and from every major international airport and from hubs across the world. Our customized air freight products allow you to coordinate your cargo even more flexibly and efficiently. You tell us the origin and destination, and we'll find the most cost-efficient route. Our highly advanced information and communication technology help us to promptly react to our customers’ requirements and hence eliminating administrative delays. It enables us to keep a track on the movement of your valuable cargo, while in transit. Our comprehensive solution cover major trade lane to and from India to Worldwide The Air Freight Service integrates with our offerings of Road, Rail, and Ocean Freight Services to ensure delivery of your cargo - any size, anytime, anywhere!

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  • Ocean Freight Services

    Ocean Freight Services

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    SEA Transport has been a vital part of the world economy. We provide the appropriate system for all cargoes - depending on its nature, volume, type, etc – by working out the best suitable transportation arrangement and selecting the appropriate carrier for every shipment. Our human resources are designed as to meet each and every demand of our customer well in time and at times, ahead of time.

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Contact Information

Allied Air Express

  • Mr. Satish B Marathe
  • F-2, Skylon Bld A/p-vapi 396195 Guj .state - India, Gujarat