Chilled Water Flow Meter
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MODEL NO- ILUX –EM -06 CHILLED WATER FLOW METER Principle of Operation Faraday's Law The operation of a magnetic flow meter or mag meter is based upon Faraday's Law, which states that the voltage induced ross any conductor as it moves at right angles through a magnetic field is proportional to the velocity of that conductor. Faraday's Formula E is proportional to V x B x D where: E = The voltage generated in a conductor V = The velocity of the conductor B = The magnetic field strength D = The length of the conductor Application : Electromagnetic Chilled Water Flow Meter Sensor Output: Pulse;4~20mA;HART;RS485;MODBUS;GPRS Lining and Body Matereial PTFE, Rubber Lining and cast steel; stainless steel body material
Digital Water Flow Meter
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Digital Water Flow Meter
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