Liquid Trichoderma Bio Fungicide
150 - 200 Per Kilogram
50 Kilogram (MOQ)
BIOFUNGICIDE Biohit™ Biohit is a formulation of spores of Trichodermaviride. It is an antagonistic fungi which protect the plant's root system against diseases caused by soil born plant pathogens and some parasitic nematodes. It is a very potent microbe which can control serious plant diseases like damping off, wilting, root rots, leaf spots, and blights causes by various plant pathogens like Pythium, Fusariumoxyforum, Rhizoctoniasolani, Alternaria, Sclerotiniarolfsia. It attacks disease-causing pathogen before they reach the root system. It grows fast and coils around the pathogen and penetrates through it and takes nutrients from the pathogen. The pathogen eventually dies and finally eliminated from the field. It also helps plants to absorb available phosphorous. It also controls plant parasitic nematodes like root knot nematode, banana nematodes and citrus nematodes. Packing Powder - 100gm, 250gm, 500gm, 1 kg Liquid – 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 lit Method of application Soil ApplicationMix 5Kg powder or 500 ml-1.0 liter liquidBiohit in 100 Kg FYM broadcast over 1 hectare and mix well with soil and irrigate the soil immediately. Seed TreatmentMake slurry of 5gm or 2 ml of liquid Biohit with 15-20 ml water and coat 1 Kg seeds with slurry homogeneously and dry in shade before sowing. Seedling DippingMix 500gm or 100ml of formulation in 10-20 liters of water and dip the seedlings for 30 minutes in the solution before transplanting. Foliar Spray500 ml -1 lit of formulation in 75-100 liters of water/acre or 50-75 ml /pump and spray preferably in early morning or in late evening hours. Recommended crops: Chilies, Banana, Tomato, Chickpea, Green Gram, Groundnut, Cucumber, Potato, Soybean, Cotton, Wheat, Sunflower, Safflower, Sugarcane, Brinjal, Tobacco, Onion, Garlic, Cabbage, Ginger, Cauliflower, Carrot, Okra, Papaya, Roses
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