Health Supplements Dealers in Varanasi

(3 products available)
  • Shilajit Capsules

    Shilajit Capsules

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    We offer shilajit capsules. In ayurveda, shilajit is considered a rasayana, which helps to increase strength, immunity and vitality. Shilajit acts as a natural rejuvenator for the body cells and maintains youth for longer period of time. Shilajit helps in increasing the physical as well as mental strength and delays signs of ageing. Shilajit is also an ancient herb that is traditionally used for enhancing sexual strength and to increase stamina for performing sexual activities. different benefits of shilajit: · useful for preventing damaging of body cells from anti-oxidants. It helps in removing these harmful substances from the body and maintains youthfulness. · used for maintaining body energy and rejuvenating skin cells. It helps to keep you looking young and prevents any development of any signs of ageing. · beneficial for increasing general body strength and increase stamina for doing physical and mental work. · helpful in sexual dysfunctions in men. It helps in boosting sexual stamina in men. · acts as natural aphrodisiac and helps to enhance the quality and quantity of sperms. · can be used as general tonic for whole body system as it increases energy and body stamina. · vital product for old people for increasing strength and stamina. take 1 capsule twice daily on an empty stomach at least half an hour before meal. For better results please continue size: 60 capsules (800mg) mrp: rs. 499

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