Jib Cranes
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Manufacturing range : capacity :1.0 ton to 10 ton span : 0.5 mtrs. To 8 mtrs. Lift : 0.5 mtrs. To 15 mtrs. Swivel ( rotation ) : up to 360 deg. Design, features & specifications: our jib cranes are specially designed multiply the human efforts, handling load up to 10000 kgs precisely at a single touch of button. These cranes can be mounted on pillars, walls and columns. The cranes can be coupled with appropriate electrical hoists to form a functional unit providing fast, reliable and safe solution for all the material handling needs. It proves most useful. For example loading and unloading facility for material in open yard, for loading and unloading of material for c.n.c. Machine. Jib crane has the demand for all above work field where no other equipment will work. Considering the cost of waiting time for special purpose machine and c.n.c. Machines jib crane are most ideal material handling solution. Special features: efficient operation in completely enclosed area or building. • strictly designed as per i.s. Codes and accidents prevention regulations. • limit switches to prevent over hoisting and lowering of hook. • medium/heavy weight design. • steel fabricated low solid web jib for higher crane hook height. • sturdy and safe anchoring with ribbed base and number of anchor bolts. • rated slewing range (infinite x 360 degree). • supply includes anchor bolts, template and plan for foundation design. Optional features :two speed motion flameproof