Brainz Store Villupuram, Tamil Nadu

  • voice activated switch

    voice activated switch

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    Here is a Hobby project for electronics hobbyists and for Exhibitions that can switch on & off a light, Fan, Radio etc. by the sound of clap.

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  • Ultrasonic Rangefinder

    Ultrasonic Rangefinder

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    A simple ultrasonic range finder using 8051 microcontroller is presented in this article. This ultrasonic rangefinder can measure distances up to 2.5 meters at an accuracy of 1 centimeter.

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  • Ultrasonic based Anticollusion

    Ultrasonic based Anticollusion

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    A Advance Ultrasonic Anti- collusion system using 8051 microcontroller can measure distances up to 2.5 meters at an accuracy of 1 centimeter.

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  • Tracked Wheel Set

    Tracked Wheel Set

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    We are the leading supplier of this products.

    Material : Black Rubber.

    Length : 45cm

    Width : 2.8 cm

    Diameter : 8 cm

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  • Six Channel IR Remote Controlled Appliances

    Six Channel IR Remote Controlled Appliances

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    Connect this circuit to any of your home appliances (lamp, fan, radio, etc) to make the appliance turn onoff from a IR remote control. The circuit can be activated from up to 10 meters distance.

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  • Rf Remote Controlled Spy Robot

    Rf Remote Controlled Spy Robot

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    Here is a remote operated spy robot circuit which can be controlled by using a wireless remote controller. It can capture audio and video informations from the surroundings and can be sent to a remote station through RF signals.

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  • Motion Detection Alarm using PIR

    Motion Detection Alarm using PIR

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    All objects with a temperature above absolute zero emit heat energy in the form of radiation. Usually this radiation is invisible to the human eye because it radiates at infrared wavelengths.

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  • Mobile Phone Bug Detector

    Mobile Phone Bug Detector

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    This handy, pocket-size mobile transmission detector can sense the presence of an activated mobile phone from distance of one and- a-half meters.

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  • Microcontroller Down Object Counter

    Microcontroller Down Object Counter

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    A counter that can change its state in either direction, under control of an up–down selector input , is known as an up–down counter.

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  • Metal Detector

    Metal Detector

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    Metal detector is very common devices for checking the person in shopping malls, hotels, cinema halls to ensure that person is not carrying any explosive metals or illegal things like guns, bombs etc. metal detectors can be created easily and the circuit is not that complex. The LC circuit is nothing but inductor and capacitor which is connecter in parallel. The LC circuit will trigger the proximity sensor if it detects any metal near to it. Proximity sensor will give glow the led, and also make the buzz with the help of the buzzer. Main Components in Metal Detector Circuit: LC CIRCUIT: LC Circuit is a resonating circuit which will resonate when exact same frequency material comes near. The LC circuit consist of inductor and capacitor connected in parallel , when the capacitor is fully charged the charge of the capacitor will be given to the inductor, here inductor will have improve its magnetic field. After some time the capacitor will have no charge and current from the inductor will be given to the capacitor in a reverse polarity and capacitor will get charge and now the inductor magnetic field and current will become nil. Again charged capacitor will give current to the inductor to improve its magnetic field. Note inductor is a magnetic field storage device and capacitor is electric field storage device.

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  • LPG Gas Leak Detector With Alarm

    LPG Gas Leak Detector With Alarm

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    This project used in gas leakage detecting equipments in family and industry, are suitable for detecting of LPG, iso-butane, propane, LNG, avoid the noise of alcohol and cooking fumes and cigarette smoke.

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  • industrial power saver

    industrial power saver

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    This project “Industrial Power Saver” deals with giving intelligence to any particular plant of an industry. The micro controller acts as a brain of the project keep in track number of persons entering and leaving the plant.

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  • Heat Sensor Automatic Fan start

    Heat Sensor Automatic Fan start

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    During summer season, the temperature at night is initially quite high however as time passes, the temperature starts dropping.

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  • Fire Detector with Alarm

    Fire Detector with Alarm

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    At times we forget to switch off our heating devices and eventually they get damaged. Therefore there is always a need of a device which can alert by sounding an alarm if the device temperature goes beyond a particular value.

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  • DTMF mobile phone controlled appliances

    DTMF mobile phone controlled appliances

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    DTMF mobile phone controlled appliances Many of us, either forgot to switch off all electric devices in our home

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  • Controlling PC using TV Remote

    Controlling PC using TV Remote

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    Now you can control your mouse cursor and windows media player® with your TV remote... So when you are watching a movie or listening songs on your PC, you need not to get up from your seat to change the volume or to change the track.

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  • coin operated water vending machine

    coin operated water vending machine

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  • Burglar Alarm

    Burglar Alarm

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    The circuit illustrated here is used as an Burglar alarm. LDR is kept at such a place that when thief enters our house using any light source on the LDR.

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  • automatic street light controller

    automatic street light controller

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    This project aims at designing and executing the advanced development in embedded systems for energy saving of street lights with light depending resistor.

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  • Android Bluetooth controlled BBOT

    Android Bluetooth controlled BBOT

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    Bluetooth Controlled BBOT involves the operation of Robots in accordance with the signals sent from a smart phone using an Android Application and Bluetooth Communication. This is a differential steering robot that can be controlled from an Android phone via Bluetooth. The robots “brain” is AT89c51 Microcontroller. The robot uses a HC-05 Bluetooth module for communication with the Android phone. A custom Android app, created with this BBOT essentially acts as a remote control, sending commands to the Microcontroller that tell the robot to move forward, reverse, stop or rotate.

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  • multipurpose robotic kit

    multipurpose robotic kit

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    BBOT is a multipurpose 3 in 1 robotic kit. Utilize different track modules and make your robot transform into three amazing variations

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  • LED Emergency Lamp

    LED Emergency Lamp

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    Here is a High efficiency Emergency Lamp using High bright White LEDs. It automatically turns on when power fails and turns off when power resumes. It is powered by a 6 volt 4.5 Ah rechargeable battery which can power the LEDs for a long Period.

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  • Electricity Meter Reading System using GSM

    Electricity Meter Reading System using GSM

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    In rural areas where it is difficult for the electricity company to send someone and take the readings of meter, this gsm based meter reading system will reduce the cost and time.

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  • Finger Print Module

    Finger Print Module

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Brainz Store

  • Mohammed Ibrahim
  • No. 105, Thiru- Vi Ka Road,2nd Floor(Opp.T.S.R Hospital), Villupuram, Tamil Nadu