25K Focused Spray powerLine
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Features The focused spray design of these inserts directs water down into the pocket in which you are working to help flush away debris. FSI-SLI-10 Straight Straight For light calculus removal and deplaquing pockets 4mm FSI-SLI-10 Right For fine periodontal debridement and excellent access, adaption to root anatomy>4mm Allows for increased access to line angles and interproximal surfaces. Use in all quadrants for moderate to heavy calculus removal. FSI-SLI-10 Left Allows easy removal of light to moderate deposits General deposit removal in all quadrants of the mouth for subgingival use. Especially useful for light to moderate scaling. FSI-1000 Easy removal of heavy black tar stains and calculus especially on lingual anterior areas. FSI-100 Allows easy removal of light to moderate deposits. FSI-10 General deposit removal in all quadrants of the mouth for subgingival use. Especially useful for light to moderate scaling. FSI-3 Easy removal of heavy black tar stains and calculus especially on lingual anterior areas.