Dental Pulp EMB Opaquer
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Features For masking out metals and discolored tooth surfaces Spreads smoothly and easily to a thin film 20-Second Light Cure Advantages of Embrace resin technology Key Features For masking out metals and discolored tooth surfaces Spreads smoothly and easily to a thin film 20-Second Light Cure Advantages of Embrace resin technology Directions Ceramic and metal surfaces should be dry prior to applying Embrace Opaquer. Leave tooth surfaces slightly moist. Slightly moist tooth surfaces exhibit neither dryness nor pooled water. Lightly dry and remove excess water with compressed air or a cotton pellet. Tooth surfaces should be shiny or glossy. Overly wet tooth surfaces will result in decreased bond strength. Prepare surfaces as follows: Microabrade metal and amalgam Microabrade ceramic or etch with Pulpdent Porcelain Etch Gel for two minutes carefully following instructions for use of etch gel. It is not necessary to etch dentin or cut enamel. If desired, apply Embrace First-Coat, Pulpdent DenTASTIC UNO or your preferred adhesive tob the prepared surface. This step is optional. Using a brush or applicator tip, apply Embrace Opaquer into the etched or abraded surface. Light cure. Embrace Opaquer cures with all lights. Curing time for a halogen light with a minimum of 300 mW/cm2 is 20 seconds. More powerful lights will cure faster. Proceed with restoration using your preferred materials.