Multi-Function Valves
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We are offering Multi-Function Valves, which are installed on the Reservoir’s flange. The Multi-Function Valves are also equipped with a rod system that actuates a magnet, which depending in their position will indicate the level of fuel contained in the reservoir. Multi-Function Valves are available in many sizes and also in accordance to the dimensions of the Reservoirs available in the market. The Multi-Function Valves have their name from the fact that its body houses a number of valves with different functions. The Main Valves are : Service Manual Valve80% Limit Filler ValveNo Return Valve (Check Valve)Excess Flow ValveCut off valve (available in the new generation Multi-Function Valves)Thermal Fuse Valve (available in the new generation Multi-Function Valves)Safety Valve (Pressure Valve) Main Functions of Above Mentioned Valves : The Service valve is normally used only during maintenance requirements and in case of accidents. In the case of accidents, the Service valve must be closed in order to prevent hazardous conditions.The 80% limit filler valve has the function to limit the filling of the reservoir to 80% of the reservoir maximum filling capacity.The No Return Valve is positioned in the inlet of the Multivalve and it is connected through a pipe to the filler valve. Its function is to limit the flow into the Reservoir avoiding the LPG flow to return towards the Filler Valve.The Excess Flow Valve has the function to interrupt the flow of LPG out of the reservoir in the event of accidental breaking of the Copper pipe that feeds the engine.The cut off valves, this valve is nothing more than an LPG solenoid valve incorporated into the Multivalve and it has the function to stop the flow of LPG when turning the engine’s power off. This valve is also useful when performing maintenance to the LPG system.The Thermal Fuse valve is a valve used only in the case of fire and it has the function to discharge the reservoir of its LPG content in the case of extreme high temperatures. The discharge of the reservoir, in case of fire, will avoid the explosion of the Reservoir.The Safety Valve, the function of the safety valve is to release the excess pressure in the reservoir. This valve will come into action only at high temperatures (in case of fire) or in case of over pressure created in extreme conditions. Such as filling the tank to 100% its fuel capacity and with a high external ambient temperature. Important Notes : When accidentally filling the tank to its 100% capacity, drive the vehicle for approximately 30 Km. before parking. After running the vehicle to an empty LPG reservoir take the vehicle in a maintenance control and inform the installer of the incident. The installer is responsible that should check the system after the first filling. It is important to control the Multivalve functionality, in particular during filling During the Multivalve installation it is absolutely forbidden to hamper with the float rod. Hampering the Multivalve will compromise its integrity therefore its functionality. It is dangerous to hamper the Multivalve. The Multivalve is installed to the Reservoir and is connected to the Filler valve and to the LPG Solenoid valve.
multi function valves
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we offer Multi function Valves.Manufactures cutting edge Multivalve and associated automotive components.
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multifunction valves
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Multi-Function Valves
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