Wartin Tablets
100 Per Pack
Composition - Globule contains the drugs with potency : Thuja Occidentails - 200 Causticum - 200 Antimonium Crdum - 200 In equal Proportion
...moreTonsilin Tablets
100 Per Pack
Composition : Globule Contains - Ferrum Phosphoricum - 200 Phytolacca - 200 Mercurius Lodalus Ruber - 200 Silicea - 200 in equal Proportion.
...moreTinex Tablets
100 Per Pack
Indication : Prohibit Tinea versicolor, white spot on skin. Specially found on face, chest, back usually found in children suffering from worm infection or worm infection or calcium difficiencies.Composition - Globules Contains the drugs with Potency : Natrum Muriaticum - 200 Mezereum - 200 Sepia - 200 Thuja occidentails - 30 Silicea - 30 Kali Sulphuricum - 30 Cina - 30 Calcarea phosphorica - 30 Filix Mas - 30 In Equal Proportion.
...moreStonoff Tablets
100 Per Pack
Composition - Globules Contains the drugs with Potency : Berberis Vulgaris - 30 lycopodium - 30 Urtica Urens - 30 Taraxacum - 30 In Equal proportion
...moreSpondilo Tablets
100 Per Pack
IndicationFor Treatment of cervical and lumber Spondilitis, Backache. Swelling, pain & Stiffness of joints and Muscles. Composition 25g - Globule contains the drugs with potency : Rhus Toxicodendron - 200 Arnica Montana - 200 Bryonia Alba - 200 Calcarea Fluorica - 200 in equal proportion
...moreSino Cure Tablets
100 Per Pack
Composition 25 g - Globule contains the drugs with potency : Natrum Muriaticum - 200 Allium Cepa - 200 Ammonium muriaticum - 200 Kali Bichromicum - 200 Kali Muriaticum - 200 Bromium - 200 Lemna minor - 30 Sicta pulmonaria - 30 in equal proportion
...morePimplexil Tablets
100 Per Pack
Composition – Globule Contain the drugs with potency Ferrum Phosphoricum - 30 Kali Muriaticum - 30 Calcarea Sulphuricum - 30 Kali Bromatum - 30 Berberis Aquafolium - 30 in Equal proportion
...morePimplefresh Cream
90 Per Pack
Ingredients : Herbal extracts of Marigold, Aloe vera, Mahonia aqui., Cane flower and Almond milk, Wheat germ oil, Boric acid, Methyl parahydroxy benzoate, Propyl parahydroxy benzoate, Perfume in water misicible cream base. Indications : It is an all purpose complexion cream which helps to clear Pimples, Acne, Black heads, Wrinkles and Sunburn. It protects skin from pollution and gives natural beauty to the face. For better results use PIMPLEXIL Pills.
Application : Skin Care
Shelf Life : 1year
Form : Cream
...morePilexil Tablets
100 Per Pack
Composition 25 g - Globule contains the drugs with potency : Hamamelis Virginica - 200 Collinsonica Canadensis - 200 Ratanhia Aesculus - 200 Hippocastanum - 200 In equal Proportion.
...moreNeutronic Tablets
100 Per Pack
Composition : Globules contains the drugs with Potency : Natrum Muriaticum - 30 Kali Muriaticum - 30 Calcerea phosphoricum - 30 Ferrum Phosphoricum - 30 Kali Phosphoricum - 30 Mag Phosphoricum - 30 Natrum Phosphoricum - 30 In equal Proortion
...moreMemo Tablets
100 Per Pack
Composition - Globules contains the drugs with Potency : Natrum muriaticum - 6 kali Phosphoricum - 6 Magnesia phosphoricum - 6 Calcarea Orientialis - 6 Gelsemium Semper - 6 Aethusa Cynapium - 6 In Equal Proportion
...moreMastoidex Tablets
100 Per Pack
Composition - Globules contains the drugs with Potency : Phytolacca - 1M Belladonna - 1M Bryonia Alba - 1M Ferrum Phosphoricum - 1M Kali Muriaticum - 1M Kali Muraticum - 1M Calcarea Fluorica - 1M Ipecacuanha - 200 In equal proportion.
...moreLivlon Liver Tonic
120 Per 200 ml
Indications :Jaundice, loss of appetite due to slow liver functions, Fatty liver Toxic liver damage, Also Useful in gall stone colic. Dose Adult : 2 teaspoons 2-3 times in a day. Children : Half the above dose or as directed by physician. Composition : Each 5ml. ( 1teaspoon) contains Cardus marianus Q - HPI 0.05ml Ceanothus Q - HPI 0.025ml Chelidonium Majus Q - 0.05ml Dolichos Q - HPI 0.25ml. Kalmegh Q - HPI 0.05ml. Syrup Q.S. Excipients Q.S. Alcohol Content 2.3 % V/V Packing : 200ml - MRP 120/- 450ml - MRP 250/-
Packaging Type : Bottles
Storage : Cool & Dry Place
Form : Liquid
...moreHair Plus Tablets
100 Per Pack
Composition 25g : Globule contains the drugs with potency - Fluoricum Acidum - 30 Phosphoricum Acidum - 30 Natrum muriaticum - 30 Lycopodium clavatum - 30 Badiaga - 30 In equal proportion
...moreGasil Tablets
100 Per Pack
Indications : For Digestive Complaints - Hyperacidity, Gases, Constipation, Flatulent Dyspepsia, Eructation.rnWaterbrash, Gastralgia and Discomfort due to indigestion. Composition 25g : Globule contains the drugs with Potency : Nux Vomica - 200 Carbo Vegetabillis - 200 In equal proportion
Packaging Type : Bottles
...moreFeveron Tablets
100 Per Pack
Composition : Globules Contain the drugs with potency Belladonna - 200 Eupatorium Perfoliatium - 200 Bryonia Alba - 200 Ferrum Phosphoricum - 200 Gelsemium Simper - 200 Baptisia TInctoria - 200 In Equal Proportion
...moreFemi-Lon Syrup
120 Per 200ml
Indications This is an ideal tonic useful in menstural irregulations. Amenorrhoea, Dysmenorrhoea, excessive menstural flow, leucorrhoea, pain in pelvic region. and general weakness due to menstural Complaints. Composition : Each 5ml. ( 1 teaspoon ) Contains Aletris Farinosa Q. - HPI 0.05%V/V Ashoka Q - HPI 0.05%V/V Helonias Q. - HPI 0.5%V/V Thalaspi B.P.Q. - HPI 0.5%V/V Excipients Q.S. Alcohol content Packing : 200ml - MRP 120/- 450ml - MRP 250/-
Form : Liquid
Packaging Type : Bottles
...moreDige-Lon Digestive Tonic
130 Per 200ml
Indications :A digestive tonic for all ages. Dyspepsia, Gas formation, Acidity, heart-burn, Gastralgia, Chronic indigestion, constipation, foul breath regular use of Dige-lon improves digestion and general health. Composition : Each 5 ml. (1 teaspoon) contains Hydrastis Can.Q - HPI 2.00%V/V. Condurango Q - HPI 2.00%V/V. China Off. Q - HPI 1.00%V/V. Luff Amar Q - HPI 1.00%V/V. Robinia Q - HPI 2.00%V/V. Quassia Q - HPI 2.00%V/V. Alnus RUb. Q - HPI 2.00%V/V. Gentiana Q. - HPI 1.00%V/V. Zingibar Q - HPI 2.00%V/V. Cascara Seg. Q - HPI 1.00%V/V. Alcohol content - 11.00%V/V. Excipients Q.S. Syrup Q.S. Packing : 100ml - MRP 80/- 200ml - MRP 130/- 450ml - MRP 270/-
Packaging Type : Bottles
...moreDentin Tablets
100 Per Pack
Composition : Globule contains the drugs with potency : Chamomilla - 30 Calcarea phosphorica - 6 Calcarea Fluorica - 6 Lecithin - 6 In equal proportion.
...moreCoughlon Cough Syrup
90 Per Pack
Indications :Useful in all types of cough dry, irritative cough. Dyspnoea, Aphonia & difficulty in breathing. Also useful for Laryngitis, Bronchitis, Tracheitls.Composition : Each 5ml. Contains Aconite Nap.3 - HPI 0.025ml Allium cepa 3 - HPI 0.025ml Drosera 3 - HPI 0.025ml Euphrasia 3 - HPI 0.025ml Ipecac 3 - HPI 0.025ml Gelsemium 3 - HPI 0.025ml Justicia Ad 3 - HPI 0.025ml Kali Sulph. 6X - HPI 0.025ml Kali phos. 6X - HPI 0.025ml Mag. phos. 6X - HPI 0.025ml Ocimum Sant 3 - HPI 0.025ml Syru Q.S. Excipients Q.S. Alcohol Content 3.6% V/V. Dose : Adult : 2 teaspoons2-3 times in a day. Children : Half the above dose or as directed by the physician.
Sealing Type : Single Seal
Form : Syrup
...moreCalci Rich Tablets
150 Per Pack
Composition : Tbalets Contains theDrugs Poyency Calcarea carbonica - 30 Calcarea fluorica - 30 Calcerea phosphorica - 30 Silicea - 30 In equal Proportion
...moreBabywet Tablets
100 Per Pack
Composition - Globules contains the drugs with potency : Kali Phosphoricum Magnesia - 200 Phosphoricum Calcarea - 200 Phosphoricum - 200 Sepia - 30 Cina - 200 In equal proportion.
...moreAlfalfa Tonic
120 Per 200 ml
Indications :improves general weakness, Anaemia, loss of appetite, loss of weight, melancholia, mental fatigue and anxiety from overwork. Dose : Adults : 2 teaspoons 3 times in a day Children : Half the above dose or as directed by the physician. Composition Each 5ml. ( 1 teaspoon) Contains Alfalfa 2x - HPI 0.0350ml. Avena Sat.3x - HPI 0.0175ml Hydrastis can.2x - HPI 0.0075ml China Off.3x - HPI 0.0075ml Aswagandha 2x - HPI 0.0175ml Acid phos 2x - HPI 0.0175ml Ferrum phos. 6 - HPI 0.025ml Kali Phos 6 - HPI 0.025ml Natrum Phos 6 - HPI 0.025ml Calc phos 6 - HPI 0.025ml Mag. Phos 6 Syrup Q.S. Excipients. Q.S. Alcohol content. Benefits : Improves general weakness.rnHelps to improve haemoglobin in Anaemic persons. Helps to increase appetite and gain weight. Effective in Mental fatigue and anxiety from overwork. Highly effective for quick recovery after prolonged illness. Packing : 100ml - MRP 80/- 200ml - MRP 120/- 450ml - MRP 250/-
Note : Shake Well Before use
Indications : Improves General Weakness, Anaemia, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Weight, Melancholia, Mental Fatigue An
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