Shrub Plants Dealers in Wayanad

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  • Shrub Plants

    Shrub Plants

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    With the aid of diligent professionals and smart packaging system, we can easily render bulk and customized packaging requirements of the patrons. Also, we ensure that the packed lot has shock sustainability to circumvent loss during transit. We are Kerala(India) based entity and have become a primary choice of the buyers owing to our timeliness.Range : Acalypha Green Acalypha Red Acalypha Thimma Adenium 1 Adenium 2 Aglaonema Diamond Ruby Aglaonema Glory Aglaonema Red Aglaonema Variegated Diffenbachea Aglonema Orange Aglonema White Allamanda Angelonia Aralia aralia Ball Azelea Bougainvillea Bougainvillea Variegated Calathe Roseopicta Calathea Calathea Corona Calathea Lutea Calathea Ornata Calathea Peacock Calathea Rabit Foot Calathea Roseo Calathea Rufibarba Calathea Zebreana Camellia Japonica Clerodendrum Splendens Clerodendrum Enerme Chrysanthemum Chrysothemis Pulchella Cordlyne Coreopsis Crinium Lilly Crossandra Cestrum Nocturnum Dracaena Bamboo Dracaena Bamboo Surculosa Creeper Dracaena Ctc Green Dracaena Ctc Red Deacaena Coloroma Green Dracaena Coloroma Red Dracaena Mahatma Dracaena Marginata Dracaena Messangena Dracaena Song of India Dracaena Victoria Duranta Elaeocarpus - Serrantus Eranthemum Eranthemum Yellow Euphorbia Miniature Exoecaria Cochinchinensis Finger Aralia Galphimia Glauca Gardenia Jasminoides Gloxinia Sylvatica Hamelia Patens Hibicus Big Hibicus Tree Hydrengea Ixora Big Ixora Miniature Ixora Narrow Leaf Jasmine Jatropha Podagrica Jatropha Pandurifolia Jatropha Integerimma Justicia Carnea Kopsia Fruitcosa Leea Rubra Burgundy Lemonia Variegated Lantana Leucophyllum Leucocephala Lollypop Medinilla Melastoma Murrya Paniculata Mussaenda Mussaenda Red Mussaenda White Nerium Oleander Nerium Oleander Dwarf Nyctanthes Oxalis Triangularies Pandanus Variegated Pandanus Amaryllifolius -(ramba) Petra Philodenderon Burl Marx Philidenderon Ceylon Philodenderon Ceylon Gold Philodenderon Cordatum Philodenderon Erubescens Philodenderon Erubescens Green Philodenderon Erubescens Royal Queen Philodenderon Hastatum Philidenderon Moonlight Philodenderon Red Philodenderon Selloum Philodenderon Xanadu Philodenderon Xanadu Gold Plumbago Blue Randia Macrantha Sanchezia Nobilis Scheflera Snow Bush Spathiphyllum Spathiphyllum Broadleaf Spathiphyllum Vareigated Srilankan Jasmine Strobilanthes Dyrianus Stromanthes Sanguvinea Tabernae Miniature Dwarf Tbernae Montana Tecoma Ornage Umbrella Plant

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