water plants
We are among the trusted names, involved in offering world-class lot of Water Plants in the national market. In order to deliver a flawless lot of products, we keep it in safe and secure place. We have developed all the in-house storage unit wherein we keep it to prevent from damaging factors.Range : Alocasia Green Azolia Paparus Cyperus Potenderia Cordata Thalia Dealbata Typha Angustifolia Lotus Umbrella Plant Water Bamboo Water Heliconia Water Lettuce Water Lilly
...morevegetable plants
We do not have to worry about stock-out situations and undertaking bulk orders, as are facilitated by a large storage facility. It has the latest inventory management software that helps us to maintain year around availability of the products. We are among the trusted names, involved in offering world-class lot of Vegetable Plants in the national market.Range : Cabbage Carrot Amaranthus Chilli Long Chilli Small Couliflower Cucumber Brinjal Green Bean Bitter Gourd Okra Ladys Finger Pumpkin Tomato Winged Bean Yardlong Bean
...moretuber plants
We are supported by a team of professionals who ensure that the offered lot is prepared using the best quality raw material. Also, they confirm that the material is sourced from the certified places. Over the years, we have become a primary choice of the buyers sine our product is qualitative and deliveries are time bound.Range : Colocasia Crosne Ginger Kachil Termeric Yam
...morespice plants
We are among the trusted names, involved in offering world-class lot of Spice Plants in the national market. We have an in-house facility, which is used for making stocks. Laced with modern amenities, our storehouse keeps the products away from moisture, rainwater, sunlight, etc.Range : Aracanut Cardamom Clove Cocoa Coconut Orange Coconut D X T Coconut Green Dwarf Coconut Wct Coffee Kudampuli (G) Nutmeg (B) Pepper Bush Pepper
...moreShrub Plants
With the aid of diligent professionals and smart packaging system, we can easily render bulk and customized packaging requirements of the patrons. Also, we ensure that the packed lot has shock sustainability to circumvent loss during transit. We are Kerala(India) based entity and have become a primary choice of the buyers owing to our timeliness.Range : Acalypha Green Acalypha Red Acalypha Thimma Adenium 1 Adenium 2 Aglaonema Diamond Ruby Aglaonema Glory Aglaonema Red Aglaonema Variegated Diffenbachea Aglonema Orange Aglonema White Allamanda Angelonia Aralia aralia Ball Azelea Bougainvillea Bougainvillea Variegated Calathe Roseopicta Calathea Calathea Corona Calathea Lutea Calathea Ornata Calathea Peacock Calathea Rabit Foot Calathea Roseo Calathea Rufibarba Calathea Zebreana Camellia Japonica Clerodendrum Splendens Clerodendrum Enerme Chrysanthemum Chrysothemis Pulchella Cordlyne Coreopsis Crinium Lilly Crossandra Cestrum Nocturnum Dracaena Bamboo Dracaena Bamboo Surculosa Creeper Dracaena Ctc Green Dracaena Ctc Red Deacaena Coloroma Green Dracaena Coloroma Red Dracaena Mahatma Dracaena Marginata Dracaena Messangena Dracaena Song of India Dracaena Victoria Duranta Elaeocarpus - Serrantus Eranthemum Eranthemum Yellow Euphorbia Miniature Exoecaria Cochinchinensis Finger Aralia Galphimia Glauca Gardenia Jasminoides Gloxinia Sylvatica Hamelia Patens Hibicus Big Hibicus Tree Hydrengea Ixora Big Ixora Miniature Ixora Narrow Leaf Jasmine Jatropha Podagrica Jatropha Pandurifolia Jatropha Integerimma Justicia Carnea Kopsia Fruitcosa Leea Rubra Burgundy Lemonia Variegated Lantana Leucophyllum Leucocephala Lollypop Medinilla Melastoma Murrya Paniculata Mussaenda Mussaenda Red Mussaenda White Nerium Oleander Nerium Oleander Dwarf Nyctanthes Oxalis Triangularies Pandanus Variegated Pandanus Amaryllifolius -(ramba) Petra Philodenderon Burl Marx Philidenderon Ceylon Philodenderon Ceylon Gold Philodenderon Cordatum Philodenderon Erubescens Philodenderon Erubescens Green Philodenderon Erubescens Royal Queen Philodenderon Hastatum Philidenderon Moonlight Philodenderon Red Philodenderon Selloum Philodenderon Xanadu Philodenderon Xanadu Gold Plumbago Blue Randia Macrantha Sanchezia Nobilis Scheflera Snow Bush Spathiphyllum Spathiphyllum Broadleaf Spathiphyllum Vareigated Srilankan Jasmine Strobilanthes Dyrianus Stromanthes Sanguvinea Tabernae Miniature Dwarf Tbernae Montana Tecoma Ornage Umbrella Plant
...morePalm Plants
We make sure that the transactions are made with utmost security and precision with us. We have made necessary arrangements to process transactions through mediums like cash and bank transfer. We are capable of delivering the bulk consignments of the clientele effortlessly as we have excellent storage facilities. We have segregated units in the warehouse that helps us in delivering all the products systematically.Range : Areca Plam Bismarkia Palm Chamaedorea Costaricana Palm Chmpagne Bottle Palm Chemeadorea Elegance Cycus Revolute Date Palm Foxtail Palm Kentia Palm Lantana Rubra Palm Licuala Palm Licuala Peltata Palm Licuala Spinosa Palm Livistonia Chinees Plam Nolina Phoenix Palm Raphis Palm Red Plam Royal Palm Travellers Palm Triangularis Palm Veitchia Merrilli Green Veitchia Merrilli Plam Washingtonia Palm Zemia Frfuracea
...moreOrchid Plants
It is due to our guarantee of providing damage-free products to the clients; we are highly in demand amongst the buyers. Our packaging experts keep a stringent check on the entire packing procedure ensuring the same. With the assistance of our capacious warehouse, we are able to meet the bulk as well as urgent requirements of the buyers. Our unit is supervised by the experts ensuring complete safety of the lot.Range : Aechmea Agave Agave Pink Alovera Anthurium Wild Bilbergia Bilbergia Pyramidalis Bromeliad Plant Bromiliads Cryptanthus Dendrobium Orchids Furcraea Guzmania Sansevieria Green Sansevieria Dwarf Sansevieria Yellow Succulents Tequila Agave Vriesea Bromeliad Phelenopsis Orchids
...moreNursery Plants
For the safe storage of the entire lot, we have installed our own facility that is laced with all the modern amenities for complete quality satisfaction. With us, clients can stay assured for the quality of the products as we make use of the first class raw material that is tested on several measures prior to product manufacturing.
...moreNatural Stones
With complete help and support of our team members, we deliver high grade and excellent range that commensurate to globally accepted standards. In order to ensure efficient handling of the payment procedure, we have developed our own model that helps us a lot in making safe and secure transactions.Range : Pebbels Stones Natural Laying Stones Cobble Stones Curb Stones Fence Stone
...moreMedicinal Plants
We have developed state-of-the-art storage facility wherein we keep a large stock. It also prevents our offerings from air, duct, sunlight and other damaging factors. We are among the trusted names, involved in offering world-class lot of Medicinal Plants in the national market.Range : Arutha -Ruta Graveoleolens Brahmi Coleus Panikurka Curry Leaf Piper Longum Thippili Tulsi Vayambu Acorus Calamus Adalodakam Adathoda Vasica Ramacham Vettiver Shataveri Shankupushpam Koovalam Bael Tree Ayyambana Dhaari Vatamkolli Rudraksha Badhraksha Terminala Arjuna Nagalingamaram Nagapoovu Maram Karpoora Analivegam Maroty Punarnava Sarpagandhi Dasha Pushpam Dashamoola Thriphala Nalpamaram Navagruha Plants 27 Star Plants
...moreground cover plants
We have developed state-of-the-art storage facility wherein we keep a large stock. It also prevents our offerings from air, duct, sunlight and other damaging factors. Being a client-centric firm, we ensure safe and time-bound deliveries of consignments at the desired place.Range : 10 O Clock Plant Arican Violet Aternanthera Red Alternanthera White Amaranthus Ornamental Bamboo Ground Cover Chlorophytum Episcia Cupreata Fountain Grass Green Fountain Grass Red Hemigraphis Money Plant Ophiopogon Green Ophiopogon White Ornamental Peanut Pepromia Portulaka Different Varieties Rhoeo Syngonium Tradescantia Zebrina Zephyranthes Pink Zephyranthes White
...moreGrass Plants
By keeping records of the clients' requirements, we have developed a system that offers several options for transferring money from one end to another. As a dependable name, we source raw materials from the well-known providers who are certified. Thus, we guarantee only quality-approved products at customer's end.Range : Bermuda Grass Buffalo Grass Buffalo Grass Variegated Krean Grass Mxican Grass Nedle Grass / Mini Grass
...moreFruit Plants
We are among the trusted names, involved in offering world-class lot of Fruit Plants in the national market. We have developed state-of-the-art storage facility, laced with all the necessary amenities, required for maintaining high-quality standards.Range : Acidlime (l) Acidlime (s) Apple Champa Red (l) Apple Champa White (l) Apple Velvet Arinelli Athi Athi Israel Avocado Babloos Naragam Bilimbi Breadfruit Champa (s) Champa (b) Champa Malayan Cherry Cherry West Indian Chinese Orange Curryleaf Dragon Fruit Durian Egg Fruit Grape Guava Guava (s) Guava Strawberry Guava Thai Guava Variegated Guava Violet Irumban Puli jack Chembadak Jack Gumless Jack Muttan Varikka Jack Red (malasian Jack) Jack Thenvarikka Karuvapatta Cashew Keppal Koval Lakshmi Tharu Litchi (l) Lovikka Mango all Season (g) Mango all Himapasanth (g) Mango Benganapally (g) Mango Mallika (g) Mango Sindooram (g) Mango Kilichundan (g) Mango Neelam (g) Mango Moovandan (g) Mangosteen Miracle Fruit Mulberry Mullatha Muringa Musambi (g) Nelli (g) Njaval (g) Njaval Bush (s) Orange (g) Papaya Red Lady Papaya Ordinary Passion Fruit Violet (s) Passion Fruit Violet (b) Passion Fruit Yellow (s) Passion Fruit Yellow (b) Pulasan (b) Rambutan N-18 (b) Rambutan N-18 (s) Ramphal Sabarjilly Salak Sapota Sapota Variegated Seethaphal Strawberry Sweet Orange Vlan Puli (g) Vnilla
...moreFlowering Bulb Plants
We are among the trusted names, involved in offering world-class lot of Flowering Bulb Plants in the national market. We work with an aim of fulfilling variegated requirements of the clients. And, for this, we have developed a large facility wherein we keep our products.Range : Alocasia Black Alocasia Green Alocasia Green Water Plant Alocasia Grey Alocasia Heart Alocasia Plack Pearl Alocasia Amazonica Alpinia Pupurea Alpinia Purpurata Variegated Alpinia Galanga Alpinia Red Alpinia Rubra Alpinia Zerumbatta Arrowroot Bird Of Paradise (STRELITZIA) Caladium Bicolour Caladium Green Caladium Pink Calathea Arundinacea Canna Orange Canna Red Canna Yellow Canna Variegated Green Canna Variegated Red Canna Variegated Yellow Costus Stenophyllus Costus Woodsonii Crinium Lilly Green Crinium Lilly Red Crinium Lilly Yellow Curcuma Cultivar Dianella Green Dianella Variegated Heliconia Black Heliconia Jamican Dwarf Heliconia Parrot Beak Heliconia Psittacorum Heliconia Rostrata (HANGING) Heliconia Sexy Pink (HANGING) Hymenocallis -FUBIFLORA Hedychium Coronarium Spider Lilly Green Spider Lilly Black Spider Lilly Variegated Torch Ginger / Alpinia Elator Xanthosoma Lindinee Zingiber Spectabile
...moreDecorative Sculptures
Over the years, we have become a primary choice of the buyers sine our product is qualitative and deliveries are time bound. In order to deliver an exceptional lot of products, we make use of the finest grade material for producing them. As a result, the finished products comply with high quality standards.Range : Buddhas Sculpture Colonial Sculptures
...moreDecorative Pots
Supported by an ultramodern packaging unit, we pack our products with premium materials and ensure their longevity. Courtesy our unit, we can provide customized packaging solutions too. We have superior storage capacity to safely store the extensive product range that we offer. Our massive and well-maintained storage space is well-connected with the shipping unit.Range : Metal Pots Fiber Pots Wooden Pots Cement Pots
...moreDecorative Fountains
Raw material that is used for preparing the offered lot is sourced from the genuine vendors. Also, we procure it only after complete quality inspection. Our team members and professionals possess rich domain knowledge and experience concerning the packaging of all products. We make certain that the products are packed sternly using the best in class material.
...moreCreeper And Climber Plants
Assistance from the smart packaging system has enabled us to meet bulk and customized packaging requirements of the clients. In addition, our experts ensure safe packaging of the products. We are backed by modern transit facilities and thus while located in Kerala(India), we are able to reach any destination easily.Range : Acalipha Creeper Allamanda Creeper Bamboo Creeper Bigninia Creeper (CATSCLAW) Clerodendron Creeper Ficus Repens / Ivy Creeper Galphimia Creeper Garlic Creeper Golden Cascade Creeper Honeysuckle Creeper Hoya Cornosa Ivy Gaint Creeper Jade Wine Creeper Lantana Creeper Mandevilla Creeper Monstera Deliciosa Passiflora Creeper Petrea Volumbilis Pyrostegia Venusta Creeper Rangoon Creeper Russelia Red Russelia White Thunbergia Creeper Vernonia Creeper
...moreAvenue Plants
Staffed with dexterous team members, they make complete quality analysis of the product before send off. Quality raw materials have been used for the production of our entire range. As a dependable name, we procure these raw materials only from trustworthy sources present in the market.Range : Barringtonia Asiatica Banyantree Bottle Brush Red Bottle Brush Gold Bottle Brush White Bauhinia Pink Bauhinia White Brassia Brownea-Grandiceps Callindra Red Callindra White Cerebral Odolam Rubra Cinnamon Clusia Rosia Cotton Tree Erythrina Krishnagili Eugenia Christinia Ficus Benghaliensis Ficus Black Ficus Bonsai 1 Ficus Bonsai 2 Ficus Graft Ficus Elastica Black Ficus Elastica White Ficus Green Ficus Lyrata Ficus Starlight Ficus Triangularis Filicium Decipiens Golden Cypress Jacaranda Jatropha Tree Legerstromia Magnolia Grandiflora May Flower Mesua Ferea Mimusops Elanji Neem Plumeria Alba Plumeria Dwarf Plumeria Pudica Plumeria Rubra Pongamia Pinnata Punna ( Calophyllum Inophyllum) Raktha Chandana Sandal Wood Saraca Ashoca Tabebuia Argentea Tabebuia Rosea Tecoma Stans Tecoma Violet Terminalia Mantaly Green Terminalia Mantaly Variegated Thespesia Thevetia Peruviana
...moreBanana Sucker Plants
We have brilliant logistics network owing to which safe and timely deliveries are guaranteed with us. Our complete range of product is wrapped in strong, nontoxic, and superior-grade packs that protect the contents inside from damage, moisture, logistic movement, etc. Furthermore, the packaging has product details printed on it.Range : Mysore Poovan Nadan Nendran Njalipoovan Robusta
...moreBamboo Plants
Over the years, we have become a primary choice of the buyers sine our product is qualitative and deliveries are time bound. Being a quality driven firm, we source the raw material from the certified vendors only who assure us for the quality and reliability of the material.Range : Assam Green Bamboo Bamboo Bush Bamboo Red Bamboo Variegated Black Bamboo Budhas Belly Bamboo Chinese Bamboo Green Bamboo Multiplex Bamboo Vulgaris Bamboo (ASSAM Gold) White Bamboo Yellow Bamboo
...moreAsparagus Fern Plants
We properly package our products using premium supplies and ultramodern technologies to make sure they endure shipping, handling, mechanical damages etc. We provide customized packaging solutions. We have hired quality auditors who keep a strict check on the quality of the raw materials and also check the inputs against varied quality parameters before procuring them.Range : Asparagus Mayoori Asparagus Shataveri Asparagus Springeri Asplenium Birds Nest Fern Bostern Fern Fern Tree Ferns Moss Fern Nephrolepis Variegated Fern Nephrolepsis Biserrata Fern Nephrolepsis Exaltata Fern
...moreAgriculture Consultancy Services
Based in Kalpetta (Kerala, India), we are involved in rendering trusted agriculture consultancy services. Our services are highly beneficial for farmers who want to yield healthy crops throughout the year. We provide consultancy for any type of crops, fruits, vegetables, etc. We have a team of experienced consultants or agriculturalists, who provide solutions to all your agriculture related queries. Moreover, they guide you about the perfect conditions, soil, manures, and pesticides to be used.
...moreAgriculture Plantation Services
Ours is a Kalpetta (Kerala, India) based organization that is engaged in offering trustworthy agriculture plantation services. We have a team of reliable agriculturalists, who have immense experience in this domain. They will guide you about the entire plantation procedure and also give you the tips of increasing the yield. Also, they guide you towards the direction of making the land more fertile by using the apt manures and right seeds and sapling.
...moregarden landscaping services
If you are in search of a reliable organization that lends excellent garden landscaping services, then contact us. We are located in Kalpetta (Kerala, India) and provide garden landscaping services to home/residence, business/commercial, industrial, and other sectors. Our service will help any space to become close to nature as we surround it with amazing plants and trees. Our landscaping experts provide their professional assistance for conducting this service in a proficient manner.
...moreGreenhouse Construction Services
Are you looking for greenhouse construction services in Kalpetta (Kerala, India)? If your answer is affirmative, then contact us. We are one of the reliable names involved in offering professional greenhouse construction services. Our experts are highly proficient and experienced in constructing a greenhouse. Moreover, we can construct the greenhouse according to the requirements of the clients. We make use of the latest machines and techniques for the construction of a sturdy greenhouse of any dimension.
...moreGreenhouse Management Services
We are situated in Kalpetta (Kerala, India) and engaged in rendering trusted greenhouse management services. Our team of greenhouse managers provides the tips for conducting the daily operations of the cultivation of plants, for both research and commercial use, inside the greenhouse. Under our management service, maintenance of the greenhouse system and facility, record keeping, ordering supplies, etc., are included. Also, we will keep a check on the environment, soil and other factors inside the greenhouse.
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